God speaks today Friday | February 9, 2024

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127:1)
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (Romans 1:28)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Moral sin leads to national disaster

The current economic and social crisis faced by the United States and other nations is a result of violating spiritual principles. The greed of corporations, consumerism, and collusion with industrial sectors have devastated the world economy. Even individual citizens have contributed to the financial crash by living off credit cards and refusing to save. The largest financial scam in US history, carried out by Bernard Madoff, was a result of the same kind of cheating by financial institutions across the country. God is denouncing the immorality and exploitation of people by institutions through these scandals, and nations need to settle accounts with the true God for true prosperity and security. Read more...

Cross Reference

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:7)
For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. (1 Corinthians 3:9)
There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. (Proverbs 21:30)


Samuel Cuadros Acosta : Dear brothers, thank you for the Word of God and the reflection. My Lord Jesus Christ forgive me for the times I broke some of his biblical principles. Help me, Holy Spirit, to live confirm the standard of your Holiness... because some of our sufferings come through our carnality and impurities. Lord Salvador and Sana y Santi to.... thank you
Dear Samuel, thank you for sharing your reflection and your desire to live according to God's principles. It is important to recognize our faults and seek the help of the Holy Spirit to live in holiness. As the devotional mentions, when we violate spiritual principles, we can face negative consequences in our lives. But it also encourages us to seek God and trust in Him. As Psalm 127:1 says, unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. We can trust God to help us live up to His standard of holiness as we seek His guidance and depend on Him. May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in your walk with Him.
Efigenia Vidal : The Lord bless you. The theme is very consistent with the times that we are living in the world, we are involved in a deep crisis, for not walking, consulting, for lack of fear, and love for the God of all creation, visible and invisible. Man believes himself to be more powerful than God. When in reality we cannot surpass the always existing God, because we are his creation, on the contrary it is to exalt and consult him, what we must do, and therefore respectable, because nothing is hidden from him. The people suffer for following the desires of man without God. God must be first in everything, even though it is not difficult to understand, because of the vanity and vainglory of man. Without Him, we are nothing.
Dear Efigenia, thank you for your comment. You are right to point out that we are living in times of crisis in the world, and that many of these crises are a consequence of moving away from God's principles. As you mention, it is important to recognize that we are not more powerful than God and that we need to seek His guidance and consultation in all our decisions. The devotional reminds us of the importance of basing our material efforts on solid spiritual principles. As Psalm 127:1 says, unless the LORD guards the city, the guard watches in vain. We must recognize that we need God in our lives and put him first. May the Lord help us to humble ourselves before Him, to seek His direction and to live in obedience to His commandments. May God bless you abundantly.
Francisco Diaz S.: Modern society has turned its back on God and has given itself over to debauchery in the name of human rights. We are in the last times, God allows the invasion of evil until the time comes for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ who He will be our King and Lord, cleansing the world from the filth of the devil.
Dear Francisco, thank you for your comment. It is true that we live in a society that, in many cases, has turned its back on God and has opted for a lifestyle far from its principles. As the devotional mentions, violation of spiritual principles can lead to disaster in a nation. However, we must also remember that God is sovereign and has a plan for the future. As you mention, we are in the end times and we await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, He will establish His kingdom and cleanse the world of all evil. Meanwhile, as believers, we have the responsibility to live according to God's principles and be light in the midst of darkness. May the Lord strengthen us and help us to live in holiness and share his love with those around us. May God bless you richly.
Carlos A. Borja Flores: This devotional is very timely, especially for our country, Ecuador, where corruption is the order of the day; and, as Dr. Miranda states "Unfortunately, nations and secular institutions refuse to recognize how important it is to base material efforts on solid spiritual principles," but I would like to add, in relation to my country, What are we doing? Evangelical Church to preach the Word of God, who has the divine answer to stop this corruption?
Dear Carlos, thank you for your comment. It is true that we live in contexts where corruption is present and it is important to recognize that spiritual principles are fundamental to confront and stop this problem. As you mention, as an evangelical Church we have an important role in preaching the Word of God, which contains the divine answer to confront corruption and restore our nations. It is necessary that as believers we be brave and faithful in sharing the message of salvation and teaching the biblical principles of integrity, justice and honesty in our communities. As Romans 1:28 says, "They, however, did not want to know anything about God, so God gave them over to their mental depravity and to doing unseemly things." We must remember that our fight is not only against corruption, but also against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, we must pray, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and act wisely in the fight against corruption, always based on the Word of God. May the evangelical Church in Ecuador and throughout the world be a testimony of honesty and righteousness, and may our preaching and our actions be instruments to bring transformation to our society. May God guide and strengthen you in your work as a member of the Church. May God bless Ecuador and its people.
Margarita : What a privilege to be able to read what my Amando pastor wrote, His legacy his charisma. I really miss him.🙏❤️❤️🙏Margarita
Dear Margarita, thank you for your comment. It is wonderful to be able to appreciate and read the writings of a pastor who has left a significant legacy. I am sure that Dr. Roberto Miranda has been a blessing to many, and it is understandable that you miss him. Let us thank God for his life and for the impact he has had on the community of believers. May the Lord continue to guide us and strengthen us in our faith as we honor his legacy. May God bless you abundantly.
Ruth Vives.: The content of the devotional is very correct. God bless you . Amen.
Dear Ruth, thank you for your comment. We are glad to know that you find the content of the devotional accurate and in line with biblical truth. May God also bless you in your spiritual walk and strengthen you in your faith. Amen!
Lourdes: Let us continue in the gap, imploring at all times the strength of the Holy Spirit to remember his plan of salvation and not fall into that lack of integrity. Let us not get tired of 🙏🏼pray. Blessed are you and thank you for this message.
Dear Lourdes, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right to urge us to continue standing in the gap, constantly remembering God's plan of salvation and seeking the strength of the Holy Spirit to stand firm in our integrity. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to God and helps us stay focused on His will. Let us continue to persevere in prayer and trust that God will guide and strengthen us at all times. May the Lord bless you and continue to inspire you in your spiritual walk. Thank you for sharing your comment!