Moral sin leads to national disaster

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The current economic and social crisis faced by the United States and other nations is a result of violating spiritual principles. The greed of corporations, consumerism, and collusion with industrial sectors have devastated the world economy. Even individual citizens have contributed to the financial crash by living off credit cards and refusing to save. The largest financial scam in US history, carried out by Bernard Madoff, was a result of the same kind of cheating by financial institutions across the country. God is denouncing the immorality and exploitation of people by institutions through these scandals, and nations need to settle accounts with the true God for true prosperity and security.

Unfortunately, nations and secular institutions refuse to recognize how important it is to base material efforts on sound spiritual principles. Only this ensures the long-term prosperity and progress of a society or an institution. The source of the demonic contamination that oppresses a nation must be removed before any reform effort can take permanent effect. If the spiritual foundations of a society are tainted, no matter how well-intentioned actions are taken, the long-term result will always be failure. Psalm 127 states it like this in memorable words:

1 Unless the LORD builds the house, Those who build it labor in vain; If the Lord does not guard the city, the guard is watching in vain.

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