God speaks today Thursday | February 1, 2024

I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:10)
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: (Matthew 6:3)
Charles Spurgeon

Giving as a matter of course

Those who give to the poor to be seen by others will not receive a double reward. It is better to give generously and without seeking recognition. God sees and rewards those who give in secret. This brings a special joy and is like a delicious feast. The promise of reward for secret giving is eternal and will be revealed over time. Read more...

Cross Reference

Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings: (Jeremiah 32:19)
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:27)
But, O LORD of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause. (Jeremiah 11:20)
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I need the privilege of giving for your Kingdom LORD.
Enrique, it is wonderful that you want to have the privilege of giving to the Kingdom of God. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional that you shared, he encourages us to give in secret, without seeking recognition or reward from men. In Matthew 6:3, Jesus teaches us: "But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." This shows us the importance of giving without boasting, in a humble and sincere way. Spurgeon reminds us that when we give secretly, we find special joy in our generous actions, and that the Lord Himself sees and rewards the secret alms-giver. He encourages us to make generosity a routine in our lives, as something natural and constant. So, Enrique, I encourage you to look for opportunities to give in secret, without seeking recognition or reward from men, but with a sincere and generous heart towards the Kingdom of God. Remember that the Lord searches our hearts and tests our thoughts, and will give us according to our ways and the fruit of our works, as Jeremiah 17:10 tells us. May the Lord bless you in your desire to give for His Kingdom.
Elkin Melo: A Generous and Kind heart gladdens the Soul of others (whoever receives), and is one of many ways to reflect the essence of our God and Heavenly Father.
Hello Elkin! You're right. A generous and kind heart not only benefits those who receive, but also gladdens our own souls. When we are generous, we reflect the essence of our God and Heavenly Father, who is the ultimate model of generosity. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional we shared, he encourages us to give routinely and secretly, without seeking recognition. When we give with a generous heart, we are imitating our Heavenly Father and showing his love to the world. He is the source of all generosity and kindness, and when we reflect those qualities, we are sharing his love with those around us. In this sense, generosity not only positively impacts those who receive, but also transforms us. By giving selflessly, we experience a special joy and a deeper connection to the heart of God. So, Elkin, I encourage you to continue cultivating a generous and kind heart, seeking opportunities to bless others quietly and sincerely. May your generosity be a reflection of our God's love and a source of joy to those who receive. May God bless you in your desire to be an instrument of his love and generosity.
Francisco Diaz S.: The man who is hard-hearted is not moved by the suffering of others, but neither will he receive help from anyone when he finds himself in difficulties. You never know when you're going to have to rely on the good will of others.
Hello Francisco. You are absolutely right in your comment. When our hearts are hard and insensitive to the suffering of others, it is difficult for us to receive help and compassion from others when we ourselves are in difficulty. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional we shared, he encourages us to give secretly and without seeking rewards or recognition. This is because generosity and compassion are attitudes that should flow naturally from a sensitive heart willing to help others. It is important to remember that no one is exempt from facing difficulties at some point in life. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate a generous and compassionate heart, not only to benefit those around us, but also to be open to receiving help when we ourselves need it. Generosity and compassion are characteristics that bring us closer to the essence of our God and Heavenly Father, who is the supreme model of love and kindness. By reflecting those qualities in our lives, we are showing God's love and grace to others. So, Francisco, I encourage you to keep your heart sensitive and generous, ready to help and understand those around you. Remember that the goodwill and compassion we show toward others can be the bridge to receiving help when we ourselves need it. May God bless you and give you a heart full of love and compassion.
Francisco Diaz S.: He who cultivates mercy receives mercy, God rewards the selfless giver.
Hello Francisco! Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right in saying that whoever cultivates mercy also receives mercy. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional that we shared, he exhorts us to give secretly and without seeking rewards, trusting that God himself will reward the selfless giver. Our God is a God of love and mercy, and He sees our generous and selfless actions. In the Bible, we find in Matthew 5:7 that Jesus says, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy." This shows us that when we show mercy and compassion towards others, God is pleased and also shows us mercy. It is important to remember that the reward we receive for our generous actions does not always have to be material or tangible. Sometimes the reward is found in the joy and satisfaction we feel in helping those around us, and in the love and gratitude we receive from those we have blessed. So, Francis, continue to cultivate mercy in your life, looking for opportunities to show love and compassion to those around you. Trust that God will reward your generosity, whether in a visible way or through the joy and peace in your heart. May the Lord bless you in your desire to be a selfless and merciful giver.
Moises Mora : Do good without looking at who, do it for the love of this difficult time, and express to them who our provider is and to whom we owe in this time of love.
Hello Moses! Thanks for your comment. You have a very accurate perspective. In these difficult times, it is essential to do good no matter to whom. In doing so, we show love and compassion toward others, and we also share who our provider is and to whom we owe. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional we shared, he encourages us to give secretly and without seeking recognition, trusting that God sees our generous actions. By doing good out of love for others in these difficult times, we are reflecting God's love and showing our dependence on Him as our provider. It is important to remember that the love and help we give to others not only benefits those who receive it, but also connects us more deeply with the essence of our God and gives us purpose in the midst of difficulties. So, Moses, I encourage you to continue doing good without looking at who, regardless of the circumstances. May your generosity and your actions of love be a living testimony of who our provider is and to whom we owe. May God bless you in your desire to be a light and an instrument of help in this time of love.
César Fuentes : It is wonderful to receive the word daily and reflect on it. What worries me is that I'm not here today. Thank you for being an instrument of the LORD. Blessings
Hi Cesar! I am glad that you find it wonderful to receive the word daily and reflect on it. Sometimes it can be difficult when it doesn't arrive at the expected time, but don't worry, I am here to be an instrument of the LORD and help you with whatever you need. Remember that the word of God is always available to you. You can look it up in the Bible, read devotionals like the one we shared by Charles Spurgeon, or even find online resources that allow you to access God's word at any time. I appreciate your words and feel honored to be able to be an instrument in your spiritual path. As a facilitator, my main goal is to help and support those who seek the word of God and reflect on it. May the LORD bless you abundantly in your daily search for his word and may you find inspiration and guidance in it. If you have any questions or need further reflection, don't hesitate to ask. I am here to serve you. Blessings!
Jose : Hello my brothers, may God continue to bless you greatly. It is a pleasure for me to greet you and I have been very blessed to read all the messages you send me. Greetings here in Washington. May the peace and love of God continue to strengthen each one of those who write the love messages blessings
Hello Jose! We appreciate your words and are glad to know that you have been blessed by reading the messages we share. It is a privilege to be able to be instruments of God to transmit his love and blessing through our words. From Washington, we send you a fraternal greeting and we hope that the peace and love of God continue to strengthen you in your spiritual walk. May his grace and mercy accompany you every day and fill you with joy and hope. Remember that we are here to support you and provide you with resources and reflections based on the word of God. If there is anything in particular we can help you with, please don't hesitate to let us know. May God continue to bless you greatly and may his love flood your life. Abundant blessings to you and to all who join us in this community!