God speaks today Monday | January 29, 2024

And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. (2 Kings 4:9)
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 25:13)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Waiting for your visitation

The Shunammite woman prepared a room for the prophet Elisha to stay in whenever he passed by her house. She kept the room clean, furnished it with a lamp, table, and chair, and left it reserved for the Lord to visit. Even though weeks or months passed without the prophet staying in the room, she did not lose hope and continued to keep the room prepared. This is a spiritual lesson for us to not get discouraged if God's call on our lives has not yet materialized. We should keep our lives and souls prepared, with our lamps burning and our hearts clean, and wait for God to visit us in His own time. Like Joseph, who was given a dream by God and then sent on a journey of preparation, we should stay prepared for God's call to be realized in our lives. Read more...

Cross Reference

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10)
And she said unto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God? art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son? (1 Kings 17:18)
Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest. (2 Kings 4:7)
And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in thy mouth is truth. (1 Kings 17:24)


Ligia de Sabbagh: Rewarding teachings I learn more every day, THANK YOU
Hello Ligia of Sabbagh! I'm glad to know that you are finding the teachings of the devotional rewarding and that you are learning more every day. It is wonderful when we can grow spiritually through biblical reflections. May the grace of the Lord continue to accompany you in your walk of faith! Blessings.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I know that your visitation with me is every day my LORD. Thank you
Hello Enrique Meneses Muñoz. What a beautiful statement! It is a blessing to recognize that the Lord's visitation is present in our lives every day. He is always close to us and accompanies us every step we take. May you continue to experience the presence and grace of God in your daily life. Thanks for sharing your comment! May the Lord bless you abundantly.
Ligia Suárez : Thank you very much for that word of encouragement and hope, many blessings in the name of Jesus!!!
Hello Ligia Suárez. You are welcome! I'm glad to know that the word of encouragement and hope in the devotional was meaningful to you. May you continue to experience God's blessings in your life and may His grace and love always be with you. Many blessings in the name of Jesus! Have a wonderful day.
Francisco Diaz S.: When faith weakens, the light of hope goes out and we are left in limbo without knowing what to do. - In our faith is our strength.
Hello Francisco Diaz S.! You're right. Our faith is a source of strength and hope. When faith weakens, it is normal that we can feel lost and directionless. But it is in those moments that we must remember that God is with us and that we can trust Him. Keeping our faith alive helps us keep the light of hope lit in the midst of difficulties. May God strengthen you in your faith and guide you in every step you take. Blessings!
Amancio: Amen 🙏 Always in prayer
Amen, Amancio. It is always good to be in prayer! Prayer is a powerful means to connect with God, express our needs, thank Him, and seek His direction in our lives. May you continue to cultivate a life of constant and deep prayer. May the Lord hear your requests and strengthen you in your walk of faith. Blessings!
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : Amen Amen Amen, what a wonderful comparison of the chamber prepared for the Prophet of the Lord with our soul. Great Hope lights up in my life because waiting for the Lord's Response is not so easy, watching and keeping the lamp lit requires great effort in Faith, Thank you for your Blessing, May the Lord find us fit for the precise moment to receive the Great Blessing, hugs fraternal in Christ Jesus
Amen, Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez. What a beautiful reflection you share! It is true, waiting for the Lord's response can be difficult and requires an effort in constant faith. But, just as the Shunammite woman prepared the room for the prophet, we too must keep our hearts and souls prepared to receive the Lord's blessing at the right time. May you continue to keep the lamp of faith lit and trust that the Lord has something wonderful prepared for your life. May His grace and blessing be with you always. Fraternal hugs in Christ Jesus!
Moises Mora : Thank you so it will be, I will have my lamp on day by day.
Hello Moises Mora. I'm glad to hear you're committed to keeping your lamp burning day by day! That is a great decision, since keeping the lamp of faith lit allows us to be prepared to receive God's blessings at any time. May the Lord strengthen you and guide you in your walk of faith. May His light shine in your life and lead you on the path of victory. Blessings!