God speaks today Friday | January 19, 2024

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)
My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (Galatians 4:19)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

True success - being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ

True success and greatness are found in cultivating a balanced and harmonious personality that reflects the image of God. This requires a long-term plan of radical improvement and the removal of any traits that do not glorify God. Christ came to restore the divine image that was distorted in us by sin, and our goal should be to become more like him. This is the foundation of true personal greatness. Read more...

Cross Reference

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, (Matthew 19:4)
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Mark 10:6)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; (Genesis 5:1)


Josue: I always read them and meditate on each topic, they are very helpful to me.
Hello Josue! We are glad to know that you find Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotionals and reflections very helpful. It is wonderful when we can find in God's Word the guidance and encouragement we need in our daily lives. Always remember to meditate on the truth of the Bible and allow Christ to be formed in us, as the apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 4:19. May God continue to bless your life as you seek to be conformed to the image of Jesus. Cheer up and blessings on your spiritual walk!
Juana M Giraldo: Thank you Pastor for your message that helps us grow spiritually, we are God's creation, made to do good and be just, because what you say is true: Greatness and success are found within us, in spiritual values ​​such as love, holiness and justice, when we receive Jesus Christ in our hearts there must be a change. I ask you to pray for my marriage that there be love, holiness, and justice in each of us. God continue to bless him and his entire family.
Hello Juana! We are glad to know that you find Dr. Roberto Miranda's messages uplifting and that they help you grow spiritually. It is true that as God's creation, we were designed to reflect his love and justice in our lives. It is always a challenge to maintain those values ​​in our daily lives, but with God's help and surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ, we can experience a radical change. Of course we will pray for your marriage, so that the love, holiness and justice of God are evident in each of you. Remember that God is faithful and can work wonders in our lives and relationships when we give our hearts to Him and seek to live according to His will. May God bless you and your family abundantly. Don't hesitate to continue seeking His guidance and strength in your spiritual walk!
Elizabeth Benitez Cardenas: Since I received Jesus in my life, in my heart, I have been a totally new person, even in the constant process of change, I was born again, every day growing in faith and knowing every day in the scriptures that loving Father, well , faithful, great in mercy and goodness. In Him I try everything, in Him I find everything. I want to become pleasing to the heart of God.
Hello, Elizabeth! It is wonderful to hear how your life has been transformed since you received Jesus into your heart. Indeed, when we give our lives to Christ, we experience a new birth and become new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). It is a continuous process of growing in faith and knowledge of our loving heavenly Father. It is beautiful to see how you recognize the greatness of God and how you find everything in Him. That desire to be pleasing to God's heart is a sign of your love and devotion to Him. Remember that the process of growth and transformation in Christ is gradual, but With the help of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Word of God, we can come closer and closer to being like Jesus. Keep seeking to please God and allow Him to shape your life in His image. May the Lord continue to bless you in your spiritual walk and strengthen you every day to live according to his will. May God keep you and fill you with his peace and joy!
Oscar: You are tools in the hands of God, every day you help me hear him through his word. Thank you.
Hello Oscar! It is wonderful that you find in the messages and reflections inspired by the Word of God a tool to get closer to Him and listen to His voice. It is a privilege to be part of the spiritual growth of those who seek to know more about God and live according to his will. May the Word of God continue to guide your life and may you experience His love and direction every day in everything you do. Remember that in moments of silence and reflection on His Word, is where we can often hear the voice of God and feel His presence guiding us. May God continue to bless you and strengthen you in your faith. Thank you for sharing your experience and for allowing us to be part of your spiritual walk! May the Lord fill you with his peace and wisdom every day!