God speaks today Friday | January 12, 2024

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: (Acts 26:22)
Charles Spurgeon

Our prompt help

God is always available and ready to help us in times of need. Unlike earthly aids, He is efficient, sympathetic, and fully available. We can rest in Him and trust that He will be our shelter, strength, and help. We should not worry or fear because the Lord is with us and He is our refuge. Read more...

Cross Reference

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. (Psalm 145:18)
The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. (Psalm 9:9)
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. (Psalm 62:7)
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for this great promise my LORD
Hello, Enrique! I am glad that you have found encouragement in this promise of the Lord. Indeed, as Charles Spurgeon mentioned in his devotional, our God is a very present help in trouble. He is always available and willing to help us when we seek Him. We can rest in Him and trust that He will strengthen us in the midst of our difficulties. May this promise continue to give you comfort and confidence in your walk with the Lord. Blessings!
Marco Huamán Sánchez : Grateful, blessed and in victory for the miracle that God did in the life of my grandson Lhiam of freeing him from the clutches of death by not allowing him to I drowned in a ditch full of water, now and always glory be to you my beloved God for taking care of and protecting my family, I believe in you and in your powerful hand my Jehovah of the armies...blessings.
Hi Mark! Thank you for sharing your testimony of how God worked a miracle in your grandson's life. It is wonderful to see how our God is a very present help in times of danger and affliction. He cares for us and protects us, and deserves all the glory for his wonderful works. May this experience strengthen your faith and continue to trust in the powerful hand of Jehovah of hosts. Blessings for you and your family!
Marita: The human who knows God will fear nothing and if he is distressed, or if he has other problems, read Psalm 91, I think that is where he says it all. He will never abandon us, but let us forget about him. He is unconditional love. never separate me from you
Hello Marita! Thank you for sharing your reflection. It is true, when we know God and trust in Him, we do not have to fear anything, even in the midst of distress and problems. Psalm 91 is a beautiful reminder of the protection and care that God offers to those who put their trust in Him. His love for us is unconditional and will never abandon us, even though we may sometimes forget Him. Let us continue to cling to our God, knowing that He is always near and ready to help us. May God bless you and keep you close to Him always!
Francisco Diaz S.: God is in our lives and will be our very present help if we do not ignore Him, if we are always in communication with Him in thought, word and deed. - The Lord is with us, let us remain in prayer
Hello Francisco! You're right. God is always present in our lives and ready to be our very present help if we approach Him and seek His guidance. Constant communication with God through prayer is essential to maintain that connection and receive his help at all times. Let us continue to persevere in prayer, in having thoughts and words that honor God, and in carrying out good works that reflect his love. May the Lord strengthen us and guide us in our walk with Him. Blessings!
Marisol : Blessed with the word that they send every day and that shows me that the Lord is attentive to the needs of his people. Today's Word of the day comforts me and encourages me to continue walking in the faith of our Lord Jesus. Thank you very much and blessings.
Hello marisol! I am very glad that the word we shared has blessed and comforted you. It is true, the Lord is always attentive to the needs of his people and encourages us to continue walking with faith in Him. May the Word of God continue to strengthen and encourage you in your spiritual walk. I appreciate your words and wish you many blessings in your life. May the Lord guide you and sustain you always!
Lulú Ramos : I thank God for the privilege He grants me to receive your edifying devotionals, I tell you what I have shared. May God support your ministry. Many blessings from the Eternal.
Hello Lulu! Thank you for your words of gratitude. It is a true privilege to be able to receive the devotionals and share them with others. May the Lord support and bless this ministry so that it reaches more people with his edifying Word. May the Eternal continue to bless you abundantly in your spiritual life. Thank you again and may God keep you and guide you always!