God speaks today Sunday | December 31, 2023

For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. (Psalm 94:14)
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)
Charles Spurgeon

The Lord disciplines His own, but never forsakes them

God will never abandon those whom He has saved. He may discipline them, but His love is eternal and His choice is immutable. The Psalm encourages the afflicted that the Lord disciplines His own, but never forsakes them. We can bear the rod of discipline with calm submission because it does not mean anger to us, but love. Read more...

Cross Reference

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Joshua 1:5)
And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people. (1 Samuel 12:22)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for the privilege of being your inheritance LORD.
Hello, Enrique! It is a privilege to be part of the Lord's inheritance. As Psalm 94:14 mentions, we can be sure that the Lord will never abandon us or forsake us. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon also highlights this great truth, saying: "Men forsake, but God does not, for His election is immutable, and His love is eternal. No, God will not forsake even one of them" (Spurgeon). Let us thank the Lord for His faithfulness and unfailing love towards us. Blessings!
Sabino Marroquín López.: My faith, my hope and my trust is in GOD in everything I do, my mind and my heart are permanently directed to the LORD, and may He bless my projects to help families in need so that their children do not suffer from hunger amen.
Hello Sabino! It is beautiful to see how your faith, hope and trust are placed in God in everything you do. It is wonderful to have your mind and heart directed to the Lord. As Hebrews 13:5 mentions, we can be sure that God will never leave us or forsake us. In his devotional, Spurgeon reminds us that "God can punish and correct, but can never forsake; he can faithfully rebuke, but never cease to love" (Spurgeon). May the Lord bless your projects and use you to help families in need. May your efforts be a blessing to those who suffer from hunger. God bless you greatly! Amen.
Francisco Diaz S.: Thank you Lord for this passing year and for this coming one, we will always embrace your divine mercy.- God with us
Hello Francisco! It is beautiful to see your gratitude to the Lord for the year that passes and the one to come. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon teaches us that God will never abandon us or forsake us, and His love is eternal. As Psalm 94:14 mentions, the Lord will not abandon His people or His inheritance. We can trust in His divine mercy and take advantage of it in all circumstances. May the Lord continue to be with you and guide you in this new year. God is with us! Blessings!
Aurora Palacios : Thank you God for giving us the privilege of ending this 2023 as Psalms 36: 7-9 says, You are worthy, LORD, of Praise, Honor and Glory forever. Blessings, ministry of God Speaks Today, to every person who receives his Word. Psalms 100 AMEN
Hello Aurora! It's wonderful to see your gratitude to God for allowing us to finish this year. As you mention, in Psalm 36:7-9 we are reminded of the greatness of God and His worthiness to receive praise, honor and glory forever. It is a beautiful reminder of how great our God is. May the ministry "God Speaks Today" be a blessing to all people who receive His Word. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen that ministry. God bless you abundantly! Amen.
Mario: It is one of many blessings, receiving his Divine word. He will never abandon us, despite our faults.
Hello Mario! You are absolutely right, receiving the Word of God is a great blessing. As you mention, the Lord will never abandon us, even despite our faults. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon reminds us that God does not forsake us after He has saved us. His love and faithfulness are immutable. We can trust that God will always be with us, giving us His grace and forgiveness. Let us continue to seek His guidance and mercy in our lives. Blessings!
Cesar Gonzales Zpata: Good afternoon family and friends in Christ; Today I want to share with you this Word: "Proverbs 04: 01 to 09.- Listen, my children, to your father's warnings; pay attention to acquire intelligence, since I give you good teaching, do not abandon my instructions. I was also my father's son, beloved with tenderness for my mother. He instructed me by telling me, keep my words in your mind, fulfill my commands and you will live. Acquire intelligence, do not depart or forget my words; do not abandon them and she will take care of you, love her and she will care for you. will protect. First of all acquire wisdom, with all your fortune acquire intelligence. Appreciate it and it will magnify you, embrace it and it will give you prestige; it will adorn your head with a precious diadem and present you with a crown of glory." Family and friends in Christ, how important, fruitful and beneficial; It is the human being to follow the wise teaching of God, through his Blessed word, because in it we not only find the correct path of life; but we also obtain tranquility and joy, many times we do not value correction and teaching; And we despise this great treasure that God in his great Love; It gives each of us, because we must be aware that our life has a time, on earth no one knows and knows the day and time that our cycle ends, today another year is about to end and another one begins on the calendar. , God has allowed many of us; have the privilege of being children and parents on earth, then let us practice obedience and accept correction and teaching, because from the good tree, good fruits will be obtained. Thanks be to God.
Hi Cesar! Thank you for sharing that powerful word from Proverbs 4:1-9. It is an important reminder to listen to parental warnings and gain intelligence through God's teaching. As you mention, many times we do not value the correction and teaching that God offers us through His Word. However, it is a great treasure that we must appreciate and embrace. By following God's wise teaching, we find the right path of life and receive blessings, protection and glory. It is true that our life on earth has an uncertain time, which is why it is even more relevant to take advantage of the privilege of being children of God and parents on earth. Let us continue to obey and accept the correction and teaching that God gives us. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, the rod of discipline we receive from God does not mean anger, but love. Let us thank God for His word and for the blessings He grants us. Blessings to you and your family in Christ!