God speaks today Sunday | November 19, 2023

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)
Charles Spurgeon

Nowhere will our labor in the Lord be in vain

We should not expect immediate rewards for our good deeds and should not limit our efforts to those who will reward us. We should be like the Egyptian who throws seed into the Nile, which seems like a waste, but produces a harvest in due time. Our job is to do good and teach, and it is up to God to fulfill his promise. We must exercise patience as the promise may take time to be fulfilled. We should focus on keeping the precept and doing good on this day. Read more...

Cross Reference

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. (2 Thessalonians 3:13)
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: (Isaiah 40:30)
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. (Hebrews 10:35)


Wulfredo : Sowing the word of Jehovah God in our children is throwing the seeds into the Nile. And patiently waiting for the current to go down to reap what we have sown. Amen
Amen, Wulfredo. It is a beautiful reminder of how we must sow the word of God in our children and trust that, in due time, we will reap what we have sown. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, our labor in the Lord will never be in vain. Sometimes it may seem like we are wasting our energy and efforts, but God promises that we will find fruit from our sowing. As it says in Ecclesiastes 11:1, "Cast your bread upon the waters, that after many days you will find it." Let us continue to persevere and not get tired of doing good, as Galatians 6:9 exhorts us. May God give us patience and strength to continue sowing His word in the lives of our loved ones. Blessings.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Serve the LORD without expecting anything in return. I adore you my GOD.
Dear Enrique, your comment reflects a beautiful and genuine attitude towards the Lord. Serving God without expecting anything in return is a sign of pure and selfless love. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, we should not seek immediate reward for the good we do, but rather trust that God will keep His promise that we will find fruit in our labor. Your adoration of God is a testimony of your dedication and gratitude to Him. May you continue to serve the Lord with all your heart, knowing that in Him there is no waste or vanity in our work. May God bless you abundantly!
Vicente Palm c: Holy Father, we bless you and we thank you, always faithful to us, you know our way of thinking and you know when we fail you, but you know it in advance, if we look for you, you forgive us for your great love, we bless you this Sunday dedicated to you, the world. Everyone who believes in you we go to our respective Churches to bless you and glorify your holy name, blessings for all.
Beloved Vincent, your beautiful prayer and expression of gratitude towards our Holy Father is moving. Your recognition that God is faithful and knows our thoughts and actions, even before they occur, shows your deep relationship with Him. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, we can trust God to keep His promises and forgive our mistakes because of His great love. May this Sunday, dedicated to glorifying the holy name of God, be an opportunity for all those who believe in Him to go to their respective churches to bless and praise Him. May the blessings of our Holy Father be upon you and upon all believers throughout the world. May God keep you and strengthen you always!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: I am going to transcribe the words of Dr. Spurgeon, to keep them in my heart: Our job is to cast our bread into the waters; It is up to God to fulfill the promise: "You will find it." He will not allow His promise to fail. We must exercise our patience. God's promise will be fulfilled; We must worry about keeping the precept, and keeping it on this day.
Dear Carlos, it is wonderful that you have decided to keep Dr. Spurgeon's words in your heart. As you mention, his teaching reminds us that our job is to sow and trust that God will fulfill His promise that we will find fruit in our work. Patience is key in this process, as it may take time to see results. But, as Spurgeon rightly points out, the word of God is true and will be fulfilled. It is important that we worry about keeping the precept and applying it in our daily lives. May these words from Dr. Spurgeon continue to guide and strengthen you in your walk with the Lord. Abundant blessings to you!
Francisco Diaz S.: The good-hearted man does not shy away from the needy, but rather sympathizes with them. - Who denies a plate of food to someone who is hungry? God is merciful to whom he has mercy
Dear Francisco, your comment reminds us of the importance of having a generous and supportive heart towards those who need it most. It is true, the good-hearted man pities the needy and is willing to help and provide a plate of food to the hungry. As you mention, God is merciful to those who are also merciful. In the Bible, we find numerous teachings about the importance of helping those in need and showing compassion. Just as God shows us His love and kindness, we can reflect His character by being compassionate and caring toward others. May the example of generosity and mercy that the Word of God gives us inspire us to be instruments of blessing in the lives of those around us. May the grace and peace of God be with you always!
Amen?Señor: I continue to trust in the Lord although I have no human reward I am happy with him I give him my backpack Receive it Father Amen
Amen, dear brother. Your trust in the Lord despite not having human recognition is worthy of admiration. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, we should not expect an immediate reward for our work, but rather trust that God will keep His promise. Your surrender and willingness to give your backpack to the Lord is an act of faith and total surrender. In times when we do not see tangible results, it is important to remember that our greatest reward comes from God Himself, who knows our hearts and blesses us with His love and grace. May the peace and joy of the Lord accompany you in every step you take and may you find comfort in knowing that He is with you and sustains you at all times. Blessings in abundance to you!
Rafael Acosta : Greetings. Great devotionals, they are very useful to me. Thank you so much
Greetings, Rafael. I'm glad to know that the devotionals are very helpful to you. It is wonderful when we find resources that nourish us spiritually and bring us closer to God. The wisdom and teachings of Charles Spurgeon are a true blessing to many. His deep understanding of God's Word and his ability to convey spiritual truths have impacted countless people over the years. May you continue to be edified by their devotionals and may they continue to inspire you in your walk with the Lord. May the grace and peace of our heavenly Father be with you always!
Moises Mora: It is real Throw your bread into the waters, because after many days you will find it, nowhere will our work in the Lord be in vain. Because our Lord is not indebted to anyone, and be like the good Samaritan, do good without looking to whom, bread and bread and every word of our mouth, sow and water
Dear Moses, it is wonderful to see how you grasp the powerful truth contained in the verse you mention and in the words of Charles Spurgeon. In fact, it is a divine promise that encourages us to persevere in our labors for the Lord, trusting that He will reward our efforts. As you say, the Lord is no one's debtor and, like the Good Samaritan, we can do good no matter who we benefit. The seed of the Word and the act of sowing and watering with our words and actions are fundamental in God's plan. Following His example and guided by His Spirit, we can be channels of blessing and love to those around us. May you continue to be an instrument in the hands of God, sowing and watering faithfully, trusting that your work in the Lord will never be in vain. May His grace and peace be with you always!
Sabino Marroquín López.: I am 87 years old and for 31 years I have been developing the project to take advantage of rainwater, because water is running out all over the world. Thank you, I thank GOD who gives me wisdom. Amen.
Dear Sabino, your dedication and perseverance in developing a project to take advantage of rainwater is admirable. It is true that water is an invaluable resource and its scarcity is a global concern. We thank God for giving you the wisdom and vision to work in this important area. Like the verse you mention and the teaching of Charles Spurgeon, we trust that your labor, guided by divine wisdom, will not be in vain. May the Lord continue to bless you with wisdom and strength to carry out your project and be a blessing to many. May His grace and provision always accompany you in this valuable work!
Jesús rios : We must not get tired of doing good because in due time we will separate if we do not get tired, we must always walk by faith knowing that GOD will fulfill his promise, to give us payment for our selfless work, everything we do will have a payment whether good or bad blessings to all God bless you 🙏
Amen, Jesus. Your words reflect a deep understanding of the importance of persevering in doing good and trusting in God's promise to reward us. As Charles Spurgeon mentions, we should not expect an immediate reward, but we can trust that God will fulfill His promise in His perfect timing. Our selfless work guided by faith does not go unnoticed by Him. As you say, everything we do will have a payment, whether good or bad. May the Lord strengthen us and give us the perseverance necessary to continue doing good, even when we face challenges or lack of human recognition. May we be blessings to others and experience the reward that God has prepared for us. May God's blessings be with you always!
Jesús rios : Amen glory to God hallelujah 🙏
Amen, Jesus. Glory to God! Hallelujah for His love, faithfulness and goodness in our lives. It is a reason for joy and gratitude to be able to recognize His greatness and give Him praise. May our lives be a living testimony of His love and may we at all times lift our hearts in gratitude and adoration. May His peace and blessings be with you always!
ENRIQUE BRAVO: Glory God Almighty. This verse expresses very clearly what God demands of us: faith, hope and PATIENCE.
Amen, Enrique. Glory to God Almighty! Indeed, the verse you mention clearly reflects the qualities that God requires of us: faith, hope and patience. These virtues are fundamental in our relationship with God and in our daily lives. Faith allows us to trust in His promise and His faithfulness, hope compels us to persevere knowing that there is an appointed time for the harvest, and patience helps us wait confident that God will fulfill His purpose in our lives. May the Holy Spirit strengthen us in these virtues and lead us to live a life that honors God. May His glory be manifested in all we do! Blessings to you, Enrique.
Marco Contreras Orrego : The word is food for our lives, please send by mail
Dear Marco, I regret to inform you that as an AI I do not have the ability to send emails. However, I encourage you to search online or in your community for a reliable source where you can obtain the Word of God in digital or printed format. The Bible is truly invaluable spiritual food for our lives, and it is wonderful that you have the desire to have it present in your daily life. I would recommend that you explore mobile applications, websites or even purchase a physical copy of the Bible. May study and meditation on the Word of God strengthen you and guide you in your daily walk. Blessings!