God speaks today Sunday | October 22, 2023

Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. (2 Chronicles 15:7)
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)
Charles Spurgeon

Perseverance in doing good

King Asa and Judah were reminded that God would be with them if they remained faithful, but would leave them if they rebelled. They were also reminded of the mercy shown to the sister kingdom when it repented. We should serve God with all our energy and diligence to receive the best reward. Half-hearted efforts will bring no reward, but whole-hearted dedication will bring prosperity. Read more...

Cross Reference

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. (2 Thessalonians 3:13)
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: (Isaiah 40:30)
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. (Hebrews 10:35)


Rafael Acosta Vega : BLESSINGS, excellent, girls, thank you for such rich words of reflection.
Hello Rafael! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your appreciation for these words of reflection. It is wonderful when we find encouragement and blessing in the teachings of God's Word and devotionals like this one by Charles Spurgeon. You mentioned "rich words of reflection," and indeed, Spurgeon's devotional urges us to persevere in doing good, serving the Lord with all our energy. It reminds us that if service to God is worthy of anything, then it is worthy of everything. As the book of Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due time, if we do not grow weary, we will reap." Perseverance in doing good brings us reward, and although at times it may seem that our efforts are in vain, God is faithful and will strengthen us if we remain steadfast in Him. As 2 Chronicles 15:7 says, "But you, be strong and not faint, for there is a reward for your works." May these words from Spurgeon and the Scriptures continue to inspire you to persevere in doing good and to trust in God's faithfulness. Blessings!
Rafael Acosta Vega : Thank you for such rich words of reflection.
Hello again, Rafael! You are welcome! I'm glad you found these words of reflection enriching. It is a privilege to be able to share and be encouraged by the wisdom and teachings of Charles Spurgeon and the Word of God. As I mentioned earlier, Spurgeon urges us to persevere in doing good, reminding us that our service to God is worthy of all our efforts. It is gratifying to know that these words resonated with you and have encouraged you in your spiritual walk. Always remember that, despite difficulties or times when you may feel discouraged, God is always present and will strengthen us if we trust in Him. As Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in time, if we don't get tired, we will reap." May these words of reflection continue to be a source of encouragement and motivation in your daily life. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: In the name of the Lord I rise every day and at night when I collect myself I thank God for his goodness and mercy.- Let us walk hand in hand with the Lord
Hello Francisco! Thank you for sharing your beautiful practice of beginning each day in the name of the Lord and ending it giving thanks for His goodness and mercy. It is wonderful to see how you remain in communion with God and recognize His constant presence in your life. As we remember to "walk hand in hand with the Lord," we are invited to walk in obedience and trust in Him in all areas of our lives. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in the devotional, God deserves to be served with all the energy of which we are capable. By rising each day in His name and thanking Him for His goodness, we are demonstrating our gratitude and commitment to Him. Remember that God is always ready to guide us and strengthen us in our walk with Him. As it says in 2 Chronicles 15:7, "But you, be strong and do not lose heart, for there is a reward for your works." By staying close to God and persevering in doing good, we will experience His reward and blessing in our lives. May you continue to be blessed in your daily walk with the Lord and may His goodness and mercy be with you always. God bless you abundantly!
Sabino Marroquín López.: What beautiful Biblical passages today, tirelessly and worked for 31 years with the project of taking advantage of rainwater, so as not to die of thirst or hunger I ask GOD to give me his hand amen.
Hello Sabino! Thank you for sharing your appreciation for today's beautiful Bible passages and for sharing a little of your work and project to harness rainwater. It's wonderful to see how you look for practical solutions and how you trust God to provide His help and guidance in everything you do. In your tireless work for 31 years, you are demonstrating perseverance and dedication to your project. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in the devotional, when we give our entire soul to the cause and work with resolute diligence, we will see prosperity. It is inspiring to see how you trust God and seek His hand in everything you undertake. Remember that God is faithful and is willing to guide and bless you in your work. As it says in Galatians 6:9, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due time, if we do not grow weary, we will reap." Maintain your trust in God and continue to persevere in doing good through your project. May God bless you abundantly and give you wisdom and provision in your work. May His hand be with you and you be a blessing to those you serve. Amen!
Carlos Tejada : Great information, thank you
Hi Carlos! Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you found the information tremendous and valuable. God's Word and devotionals like Charles Spurgeon's give us wisdom and encouragement for our daily lives. It is wonderful when we find resources that help us strengthen our faith and grow spiritually. Spurgeon reminds us of the importance of persevering in doing good and serving God diligently. This is a teaching that encourages us to live in a committed and faithful way. It is always a privilege to be able to share and enjoy the richness and blessing we find in the Word of God. May you continue to be enriched by this formidable information and may you apply it in your daily life. May the grace and peace of God be with you always! Blessings!
Lily Martinez: Excellent reflection, words that feed and nourish our soul!
Hello Lily! Thanks for your comment. I am glad that you found the reflection excellent and that Charles Spurgeon's words have been nourishing and nourishing for your soul. It is wonderful how the Word of God and the teachings of writers like Spurgeon can deeply impact our lives and strengthen our faith. As Spurgeon mentions, serving God deserves all our energy and dedication, and in doing so, we find reward and prosperity in Him. May you continue to be blessed as you meditate on these words and may the Holy Spirit apply them in your life in a transformative way. May your soul be continually fed and nourished by the Word of God, strengthening you in your walk with Him. God bless you and fill you with His grace and peace! Thanks for your comment!
Sixto Delgado /Capellan : But they removed the red guides (like karioky) that indicate where you are reading, so as not to lose where the reading is going, could you put it back?
Hello Sixto! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your suggestion. Unfortunately, as a text assistant, I do not have the ability to modify or add visual elements such as red guides in reading. However, I would recommend that you check the version or platform you are reading on to see if there are any options or settings that allow you to have those red guides or visual bookmarks to make it easier for you to read and follow. I hope you can find a way to have a smoother and more comfortable reading experience. May the Word of God continue to be a constant guide in your life and may you find in it strength and direction for each day. May the grace and peace of God be with you always! Blessings!