God speaks today Saturday | October 21, 2023

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. (Proverbs 16:3)
Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: (James 4:13)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

If the Lord wills, we will live

Surrendering to the Will of God means adopting an attitude of total subjection and always seeking His guidance. In James 4:13 onwards, James warns against Christians who live as if they are independent and rebel against God's Will. He urges them to adopt the correct attitude of total surrender, saying "if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." This level of surrender means acknowledging God's right to do whatever He wants in our lives, even if it means taking us prematurely. The believer's attitude should be one of total subjection and surrender to God's Will, always looking towards Him for guidance and protection. Read more...

Cross Reference

Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (Psalm 37:4)
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I submit all my plans to the will of GOD. Hallelujah, amen.
Hello, Enrique! It is beautiful to see your attitude of submitting all your plans to the will of God. By doing this, you recognize that He is in control and that His will is perfect. As the verse from Proverbs 16:3 that you shared mentions, by entrusting our works to the Lord, He will strengthen our purposes. This means that when we trust God and seek His will in everything we do, He will guide us and give us direction. May the Lord continue to bless your plans and continue to guide you in his will. God bless you!
Cecilia fleitas : A blessing for my life. Today leaving Venice for Argentina! Beautiful word!
Hello cecilia! I am glad to know that this word has been a blessing in your life. It is wonderful to see how God's Word can have an impact on us anytime, anywhere. May you have a safe trip back to Argentina and may God's will accompany you every step you take. May God bless you abundantly in your walk with Him!
Cecilia fleitas : They are always a great blessing to me.
Hello cecilia! I am glad to know that Dr. Roberto Miranda's words and biblical teachings are always a blessing to you. God's Word has the power to transform our lives and provide us with direction and comfort in every situation. May you continue to find inspiration and strength through her. Remember that you can always turn to God's Word to find guidance and encouragement in your walk with Him. May God continue to bless you abundantly!
Wulfredo : If the Lord wants. Lord your will be done. Dying to the ego. Be spiritual. I no longer live. Now Christ lives in me. I do not know how to speak; You speak Lord for me. May the decisions I make be yours my Lord. Without you we can do nothing. We are subject like the branch to the will of God. Or we are soulful Christians. Doing our will in rebellion to our savior. Amen
Hello Wulfredo! Your words reflect a deep surrender and surrender to the will of God. It is beautiful to see how you recognize the importance of dying to the ego and allowing Christ to live in you. By surrendering to God's will, we open ourselves to His guidance and direction in our lives. As you mention, without Him, we can do nothing, and it is through submission to His will that we find true purpose and meaning. May the Lord continue to guide you and strengthen you in your walk with Him. God bless you abundantly! Amen.
Hello Judith Elizabeth! It is wonderful to see your attitude of submission to the purposes of Jesus Christ and your confidence that He has good things for you and your family. By surrendering to God's will, you are opening the way to receive his blessings and experience his love and care in your life. I appreciate your gratitude to the beloved Father and to the brothers of Leo de Judah for imparting the word and his knowledge. May God continue to bless you and guide you in your walk with Him. God bless you and your family abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: LORD, let your holy will be done in me and I thank you for all the blessings you have granted me.- Thank you for my life, for my family, for my health and for all the good things that I have enjoyed. God is merciful
Hello Francisco! It is beautiful to see your attitude of surrender and gratitude towards the Lord. By surrendering your life to Him and asking for His holy will to be done, you are making room for Him to work in and through you. Thank God for all the blessings he has given you, from life, family, health and all the good things you have enjoyed. He is truly merciful and generous to his children. May you continue to experience His love and care in every area of ​​your life. God bless you abundantly!
Susana Fresia : May God do his holy will in me, I thank him for the good and the bad throughout my life, thank you for the word of each day, blessings
Hello Susana Fresia! It is beautiful to see your attitude of surrender and gratitude towards God. By asking Him to do His holy will in your life, you are making space for Him to guide and direct you with every step you take. Thank God for all the good and bad, knowing that in all things He is working for your good. It is also wonderful that you give thanks for the word of each day, since it is through it that we receive direction and comfort. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide you in your walk with Him. God bless you abundantly!
Sabino Marroquín López.: Only GOD knows how long I have to live, I know that I am a pilgrim and that I remain on the path that GOD guides me on, amen.
Hello Sabino Marroquín López! It is true, only God knows the measure of our days and we are pilgrims on this path of life that He has given us. It is beautiful to see your trust that God guides and directs you in every step you take. By recognizing that we are pilgrims in this world, we remind ourselves that our true home is in heaven. May the Lord continue to guide you and strengthen you in your walk with Him. God bless you abundantly! Amen.
Miguel A. Rivera: I thank God for his work, in always bringing a word of encouragement to our lives, his prayers for me,
Hello Miguel A. Rivera! It is wonderful that you thank God for the work of Dr. Roberto Miranda and how he has been a source of encouragement in your life. It is comforting to know that their prayers have reached you and blessed you. God uses people like Dr. Roberto Miranda to be instruments of blessing and encouragement in our lives. Let us remain grateful for their work and, above all, grateful to God for his constant love and care. May God continue to bless you richly!
Miguel A. Rivera: Amen.
Amen, Miguel A. Rivera. May your amen be a sincere expression of agreement and confirmation of what you have expressed. May God continue to work in your life and shower blessings on you. Blessings!
Maria de Lourdes Jarrin: The Lord is sovereign. It's a delight to know. Just as it is wonderful to know and live being one with Him. To know that we are together with Him in heavenly places as Ephesians says. That we experience the potency of His power. God is wonderful.
Hello Maria de Lourdes Jarrin! It is beautiful to see your recognition of God's sovereignty and the wonder of living in communion with Him. Knowing that we are united with Christ and that we are part of His heavenly kingdom is truly amazing. It is in that communion with Him that we experience the potency of His power and His wonderful love. God is truly wonderful in every way. May you continue to grow in your relationship with Him and experience the fullness of His grace and blessing. God bless you abundantly!