God speaks today Friday | June 16, 2023

So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the LORD said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes. And the land rested from war. (Joshua 11:23)
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. (Romans 16:20)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Peace in the middle of the storm

Horacio Spafford, a hymnologist, went through a series of terrible sufferings, including the death of his only son, financial ruin in the Great Chicago Fire, and the sinking of the Ville du Havre ship, which resulted in the death of his four daughters. His wife survived and sent him a telegram with the words, "The only one saved." He was inspired to write the famous hymn "I Reached Salvation." Despite his sufferings, he and his wife founded The American Colony in Jerusalem to serve the poor. Spafford had learned what it means to have peace in the midst of a storm. Read more...

Cross Reference

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15)
Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen. (Romans 15:33)
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. (1 Thessalonians 5:28)


Jaime González : Excellent story!! Good and great teaching!! Adversities should leave us contentment from the beginning!! 🙏🙏
Hi Jamie! I totally agree with you. Horacio Spafford's story is a great lesson on how to face adversity. As the author of the devotional said, the hymn Spafford composed reminds us that God's peace can flood our path, even in the midst of the harshest storms. As Christians, we must trust that God is with us and that he will give us the strength to overcome any difficulty. It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 16:20: "And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." May the peace of God be with you always! 🙏
Jaime González : Love this promise made by God and he offers it to us for free, we just have to believe in his great promises! God and faith!! Believe and wait!! 🙏🙏
Totally agree, Jamie. God is faithful to his promises and that is why we can trust him. He freely offers us his love and peace, and we just need to believe in his promises. As the author of the devotional says, faith in Christ gives us the courage and inspiration to face any adversity in our lives. As Christians, we must believe and wait on God's promises, knowing that He will always support us in times of difficulty. May faith in Christ always strengthen you. 🙏
Danny Garcia: Exact. Blessings dear Pastor. Excellent message. Peace in the middle of the storm
Hello Danny! I am a facilitator and not a pastor, but I am very happy that the message of the devotional has been a blessing. Horace Spafford's story is a great example of how to find peace in the midst of the storm. As Christians, we must trust that God will always be with us, even in the most difficult moments of our lives. May the peace of God be with you always. Blessings! 🙏
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : In GOD I put my hopes to always have the peace that I need.
Hello, Enrique! Thanks for sharing your comment. As you say, putting our hope in God is the best way to find the peace we need. He is our refuge and strength in times of difficulty, and we can trust that He will sustain us at all times. Horacio Spafford's story is a great example of how faith in God gives us the strength and peace to overcome any adversity. May the peace of God be with you always. Blessings! 🙏
Francisco Diaz S.: There is nothing more pleasant and nothing more lasting than the peace that the Lord gave us.-The devil gives us many mortifications but in the name of Jesus we will defeat the devil.-Faith in God is our strength
Hello Francisco! Completely agree with you. The peace that God gives us is incomparable and lasting, and it is the best way to face the adversities that life presents us. As you mention, the devil wants to steal our peace, but thanks to faith in Jesus we can defeat him and find the strength we need to face him. Horacio Spafford's story is a great example of how faith in God gives us the strength and peace to overcome any adversity. May the peace of God be with you always. Blessings! 🙏
Sabino Marroquín López: My faith and my hope is in God, that we can achieve peace in Colombia, taking into account: that in this country we have lived at war all our lives, amen.
Hello Sabine! Thanks for your comment. It is true that the situation in Colombia has been difficult and there have been many years of war and violence, but as you mention, our faith and hope must be placed in God and in his power to bring peace and reconciliation to our country. As Christians, we can pray for peace in Colombia and work together to build a better future. Horacio Spafford's story is a great example of how faith in God gives us the strength and peace to overcome any adversity. May the peace of God be with you always and may we together work for peace in our country. Blessings! 🙏
Alfio: I was moved to tears to learn of the departure of Pastor Roberto Miranda, he was always an instrument of God to speak to me in my difficult situations and today, even after his departure, God continues to speak to me through his legacy. God bless the beautiful team of brothers that I leave and prepare
Hi Alfio! I am sorry that the departure of Pastor Roberto Miranda has been a reason for sadness for you, but I am very happy to know that his legacy continues to speak to your life and that God continues to use him to guide you in difficult times. As you mention, Pastor Roberto Miranda was a great instrument of God and left a beautiful team of brothers who continue his work in the Lord. May God continue to guide and bless you through his word and the teachings of Pastor Roberto Miranda. Blessings! 🙏
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : Sometimes the situation that seems like we weren't able to get ahead and we find ourselves cornered, we can't find the way out because we don't see it, even though God shows us the way out. The devil speaks to us and makes us see a giant that cannot be defeated, but God has given us tools to overcome such as faith, trust, believing in the promises and you will have tranquility and peace in your heart. Blessings
Hello Gustavo! Thanks for your comment. It is true that sometimes we find ourselves cornered and we cannot find the way out, but as you mention, God always shows us the way and gives us the tools to get ahead. Faith, trust and belief in God's promises are essential to overcome any obstacle that comes our way and find the peace we need. Horacio Spafford's story is a great example of how faith in God gives us the strength and peace to overcome any adversity. May the peace of God be with you always. Blessings! 🙏
carolina garrido: His faith is admirable, what a great strength he had. Definitely having God in our lives is the most comforting thing there is.
Hello Caroline! Completely agree with you. Horacio Spafford's story is a great example of how faith in God gives us the strength and peace to overcome any adversity. Her faith and ability to find comfort and hope in the midst of pain and loss is admirable. Having God in our lives is the most comforting thing that exists and gives us the strength to face any situation. May the peace of God be with you always. Blessings! 🙏
Alba Fuentes: Glory to God for the meditations that they send me and that instruct me and increase my faith, all children are tested and blessed are those who persevere in peace in the midst of the storm.
Hello alba! I am very happy to know that the meditations you receive have been a blessing and have helped you grow in faith. As you mention, all of God's children are tested at different times in our lives, but those who persevere in peace in the midst of the storm are truly blessed. The story of Horacio Spafford is a great example of someone who found peace in the midst of adversity thanks to his faith in God. May the peace of God continue to guide your steps and strengthen your faith. Blessings! 🙏