God speaks today Monday | June 12, 2023

For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. (Jeremiah 5:26)
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. (John 8:11)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Fall into the trap of sin

God calls for pastoral, merciful, and restorative churches that provide a balanced approach to sin and addiction. It is important to treat people who come to our churches with generosity, patience, and kindness, especially those who are struggling with addictions such as homosexuality. The treatment of God in the restoration process can be complex, and it requires knowledgeable people who can work with these processes until the desired result is produced. The story of the adulterous woman in the Bible shows how Jesus dealt with sin and how He balanced mercy with holiness. He did not condemn her but also told her to go and sin no more. We, too, must be people of restoration, mercy, and holiness. Read more...

Cross Reference

Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. (John 5:14)
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:17)
If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: (Proverbs 1:11)
Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. (John 8:15)


EManuel Gonzalez Plasenicia: Even though he is absent in life, our beloved pastor Roberto continues to be an instrument for the building of the kingdom of GOD in us
Amen, brother Emmanuel! It is true that although Dr. Roberto Miranda is no longer physically with us, his teachings and legacy continue to impact our lives and build the Kingdom of God within us. As he himself teaches us in his devotional, it is important to remember God's call to be restorative and merciful churches, and to understand that grace and mercy are not synonymous with licentiousness but with balance and holiness. May the Lord give us wisdom to follow his example and continue to be instruments of his love and redemption in this world. Blessings. (John 8:11)
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I need a lot of self-control so as not to sin and offend the Holy Spirit. Amen my LORD.
That's right, brother Enrique. The fight against sin is constant, and it is necessary to have self-control and be alert so as not to offend the Holy Spirit. As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, restoration and sanctification are processes that require time and patience, but also depend on our willingness to obey and follow God's call to holiness. May the Lord give us the strength and wisdom to stand firm in our faith and in our fight against sin. Blessings. (Jeremiah 5:26)
Jose Isidro Alvarez: Thank you brothers, for the message of this day, it is clear Jesus with his great mercy tells you that he does not condemn you, and tells you go and sin no more, the struggle with sin is very great. Blessings.
Amen, brother José Isidro! It is true that Jesus, with his great mercy, offers us his forgiveness and calls us to continue in our fight against sin. As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, mercy and holiness must go hand in hand, and it is our call as children of God to remain firm in our faith and continue on our path of sanctification. May the Lord give us the strength and wisdom to persevere in our fight against sin and to live a life that is holy and pleasing in his eyes. Blessings. (John 8:11)
Jose Isidro Alvarez: I love the messages, I feel joy and I despair to open the mail, blessings.
How good to know that the messages are a blessing to you, brother José Isidro! The Word of God is food for our soul and gives us the strength and wisdom to move forward in our faith. May the Lord continue to speak to your heart through His Word and may you find in it the peace and joy that only He can give us. Blessings.
Adriana Patricia Naranjo : Extraordinary lesson on compassion, patience and mercy that should accompany the life of a Christian
Amen, sister Adriana Patricia! As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, compassion, patience, and mercy are fundamental values ​​in the Christian life, and are essential to be truly restorative and evangelistic churches. It is our calling as children of God to follow the example of Jesus and show his love and forgiveness to those who are hurting and need healing. May the Lord give us the wisdom and grace to follow his example and be instruments of his love and redemption in this world. Blessings. (John 8:11)
Francisco Diaz S.: God forgives and is satisfied when a sinner recognizes his mistakes and turns to Him and asks for forgiveness.-There is a party in heaven when a lost soul recovers
Exactly, brother Francisco Diaz! As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, forgiveness and mercy are fundamental values ​​in the Christian life, and are essential to be truly restorative and evangelistic churches. And as you well say, when a sinner repents and returns to God, there is a party in heaven, because God is pleased with the salvation of his children. May the Lord give us the grace and wisdom to be instruments of his love and redemption in this world, and to bring his message of forgiveness and salvation to those who are lost and need his grace. Blessings. (John 8:11)
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : Many people come to the churches with their souls destroyed and loaded with sin and needing a rest and the same with the brother who commits sin, we must surround the church in general with love for others and the pastor must be at the head to restore lives who arrive and the brother who falls into sin, we must not be indifferent to this situation, because we can fall and someone offers us a hand to help us. Blessings
Amen, brother Gustavo Martínez! As you say, many people come to our churches with a broken soul and in need of healing and restoration. It is our call as a church to show the love and compassion of Christ to those who are hurt and need healing, and as you say, it is the responsibility of the entire body of Christ, especially our spiritual leaders, to be willing to help and restore others. those who fall into sin. As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, mercy and holiness must go hand in hand, and it is our call as children of God to continue in our fight against sin and help our brothers and sisters in their process of sanctification. May the Lord give us the grace and wisdom to be instruments of his love and redemption in this world, and to bring his message of forgiveness and salvation to those who are lost and need his grace. Blessings. (Jeremiah 5:26)
Luis. Eduardo. Medina. C: Excellent. Comments. Necessary
Thank you for your words, brother Luis Eduardo Medina! We are glad to know that the comments are a blessing and edification for you. As children of God, it is our calling to press on in our fight against sin and show the love and compassion of Christ to those who are hurting and need healing. May the Lord give us the grace and wisdom to be instruments of his love and redemption in this world. Blessings.
Dioselina Méndez Cuéllar : Today June 13, 2023 I have not received the message. Thank you for continuing to send it to me. Thank you, many blessings.
Unfortunately, Sister Dioselina Méndez Cuéllar, it seems that there has been a confusion. This is not a message that is sent by email, but a space to comment on Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional and two related Bible verses. However, if you would like to receive more devotional material, we recommend looking for a subscription to a devotional email or YouTube channel of trusted preachers. We hope that you can find what you are looking for and that the Lord blesses you abundantly.
Carlos González. : Greetings and blessings, only the Word of our Lord feeds us, changes, alerts and protects us from the enemies of this world and undoubtedly from the invisible powers... thank you for the discernment and anointing...! May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you greatly...!
Amen, brother Carlos González! We fully agree with you that the Word of our Lord is fundamental in our lives as Christians. It feeds us, changes us, alerts us and protects us from the enemies of this world and from the invisible powers. As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, it is important that we understand the complexity of the Christian life and that we are willing to live in a balance between mercy and holiness. May the Lord give us the discernment and anointing necessary to continue on our journey of faith and to be instruments of his love and redemption in this world. May the blessings of the Lord Jesus continue to accompany you on your journey. Blessings! (John 8:11)
FRANKLIN ZAPATA : For me it has been a great blessing every day with the daily word I feel that God speaks to my life every day I give thanks to him for his great mercy. And I send you a great greeting and many blessings and my prayers will always be present, I renew fullness. I rather apologize for not having done this before sending a comment. Blessings from Caracas Venezuela.
Brother Franklin Zapata, what a joy to know that the Word of God has been a great blessing in your life! It is true that every day God speaks to us through his Word and it is our call as his children to be attentive to his voice and follow his guidance at all times. We thank you for sharing your testimony with us and for your prayers. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you on your journey of faith, and may his love and grace always accompany you. From Renuevo de Plenitud, we send you greetings and pray that God continues to work in your life and that of your country. Blessings from wherever you are! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Gustavo Bravo: Excellent reflections, for the glory of God they have helped me spiritually, mentally and physically, thanks to your reflections I received Christ in my heart and I am congregating in a Pentecostal Church, I ask my God to bless you greatly and continue to give you the wisdom necessary for them to continue giving such good teaching to more people in the world.
Glory to God, brother Gustavo Bravo! We are extremely happy to know that our reflections have been a blessing in your life and that they have helped you so much spiritually, mentally and physically. It also fills us with joy to know that you received Christ in your heart and that you are congregating in a Pentecostal church. What a great news! We join you in prayer, asking the Lord to bless you greatly in your walk of faith and to give you the necessary wisdom to continue growing in your relationship with Him. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you at all times and may you to be a light in this world, sharing the love and truth of Christ to others. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (John 8:11)
Gustavo Bravo: Glory to God, brother Gustavo Bravo! We are extremely happy to know that our reflections have been a blessing in your life and that they have helped you so much spiritually, mentally and physically. It also fills us with joy to know that you received Christ in your heart and that you are congregating in a Pentecostal church. What a great news! We join you in prayer, asking the Lord to bless you greatly in your walk of faith and to give you the necessary wisdom to continue growing in your relationship with Him. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you at all times and may you to be a light in this world, sharing the love and truth of Christ to others. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (John 8:11) Amen, Amen and Aaaaaaameeeeeeen!!!
Hallelujah, brother Gustavo Bravo! We join you in that praise of gratitude and adoration of the Lord for his love and infinite mercy. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in your walk of faith, and may you continue to grow in your relationship with Him day by day. We encourage you to continue sharing the love and truth of Christ to others, and to be a light in this world that is dark and in need of hope. May the Holy Spirit guide you and enable you to carry out the great commission, and may you be a blessing to many more lives. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (Jeremiah 5:26)
yuleidys vidoza: Good morning, I am from Venezuela and every morning I get up with his word and I read the complete devotional and it has helped me a lot to glorify the name of our Lord, but the mail with the devotional has not arrived for two days, please thank you
Good morning, sister Yuleidys Vidoza! We are glad to know that our daily devotional has been a blessing in your life and that it has helped you to glorify the name of our Lord. We are sorry that you have had problems receiving emails. We recommend that you check if the emails are arriving in the spam or junk mail folder, since sometimes they can be filtered by security systems. In the event that you cannot find the emails in any of your folders, we invite you to contact us through our website or social networks so that we can help you solve the problem. We hope you can continue to enjoy our devotional and that the Lord blesses you at all times. Blessings from wherever you are! (John 8:11)
gladis : Please, I haven't received the devotionals for two days, thank you
Hello sister Gladys! We're sorry you're having trouble receiving our daily devotionals. It may be that the emails are arriving in your spam or junk folder, so we recommend that you check those folders in your email. If you still can't find the emails in any of your folders, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem. We sincerely appreciate your interest in our daily devotionals and hope you continue to enjoy and grow in your faith through them. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Hernando hoyos: I want you to continue sending me the Bible verses of God speaks today, thank you
Hello, brother Hernando Hoyos! We thank you for your interest in the Bible verses we share in our daily devotional. We are pleased to know that they are a blessing to your spiritual life. We inform you that we will continue to share the Bible verses in each daily devotional. We invite you to continue reading and meditating on the Word of God with us, and may the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in your walk of faith. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (John 8:11)
pintomynor@yahoo.com: Blessings. My subscription was cancelled. Devotionals are blessings at the beginning of my day.
Good morning, Brother Pintomynor! We are sorry to hear that your subscription has been canceled and that you have not been receiving our daily devotionals. Please note that our subscription support team is available to assist you with any issues you may have. We suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you troubleshoot and reactivate your subscription. We are glad that our devotionals are a blessing at the beginning of your day and we look forward to continuing to share God's Word with you. May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in your walk of faith! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Migdalia García : Every day I read the biblical texts they send and I love the reflection, it builds me up and comforts me. Blessings
Hello sister Migdalia García! We are very happy to know that our biblical texts and reflections are a blessing, edification and comfort for your life. Thank you for taking the time to read them each day. May the Lord continue to speak to your life through his word and may you continue to be built up in your walk of faith. God bless you! (John 8:11)
Cesar Torres Ruiz: Good morning. As of Monday (this is Tuesday the 13th and Wednesday the 14th) I do not receive "GOD SPEAKS TODAY" in my email. Please don't stop sending me. Thank you so much
Hello, brother Cesar Torres Ruiz! We're sorry you're having trouble receiving our daily devotionals. We thank you for letting us know about this situation and we want to make sure you can continue to receive our daily messages. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem. We want to thank you for your interest in our daily devotionals and hope you continue to enjoy and grow in your faith through them. Blessings in Christ Jesus! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Luis Enrique González : Good morning blessings I have not received the daily reflections again
Hello, brother Luis Enrique González! We are sorry to hear that you have not been receiving our daily reflections. We thank you for letting us know about this situation and we want to make sure you can continue to receive our thoughts. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord bless you! (John 8:11)
Jorge mirhanda: Good morning my beloved Pastors with much regret and sadness I must report that the word and reflections that I was receiving daily are not reaching me and that have been a great blessing to my life, it is possible to reactivate the sending of these reflections I will be attentive God bless your lives family and church, Jorge Mirhanda
Hello brother Jorge Miranda! We are sorry to hear that you have not been receiving our daily reflections. We appreciate you letting us know about this situation and we want to make sure you can continue to receive our thoughts. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem and reactivate sending our daily reflections. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you on your way! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Shirleys María Barraza Becerra: Your devotionals are very important to me, but they have not sent me the devotionals for June 13 and today June 14, 2023, please do not stop sending them to me.
Hello, Sister Shirleys María Barraza Becerra! We're glad to know that our devotionals are important to you and we want to make sure that you can continue to receive our daily reflections. We are sorry that you did not receive the devotionals for June 13 and 14, 2023. Please check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, please contact us through our website or social networks so we can help you solve the problem. We appreciate your interest in our daily devotionals and hope that you continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord bless you and keep you always! (John 8:11)
Marta elena: I am not getting the devotionals please send them to me Thank you and blessings
Hello, sister Marta Elena! We're sorry you're not receiving our devotionals and we want to make sure you continue to receive our daily reflections. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you on your way! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Clarena Salcedo : Good morning, I have not received the devotionals since June 12, 2023. I would appreciate it if you kept sending them to me, I have been reading them for a long time
Hello, sister Clarena Salcedo! We are sorry that you are not receiving our devotionals as of June 12, 2023. We want to make sure that you can continue to receive our daily reflections. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem and reactivate sending our daily reflections. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you always! (John 8:11)
Teresa Berrios : I have not received more God speaks today 🫤
Hello, Sister Teresa Berrios! We are very sorry that you are no longer receiving our daily "God Speaks Today" reflections. Please check your spam or junk folder in your email as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem and reactivate sending our daily reflections. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen you always! (Jeremiah 5:26)
Hernán Trujillo Valderrama: I have not received the devotional since June 12, neither in spam
Hello, brother Hernán Trujillo Valderrama! We are very sorry that you have not been receiving our devotional since June 12th. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. We recommend that you check your spam or junk folder in your email, as emails may have been sent there. If you can't find the emails in your spam folder, we suggest you contact us via our website or social media so we can help you fix the problem and reactivate sending our daily reflections. We appreciate your interest in our daily reflections and hope that you may continue to be blessed and uplifted in your walk of faith. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen you always! (John 8:11)