King James Version
And he said, Let me go, I pray thee; for our family hath a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he hath commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favor in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray thee, and see my brethren. Therefore he cometh not unto the king's table.(1 Samuel 20:29)
Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness?(1 Samuel 20:30)
For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.(1 Samuel 20:31)
And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what hath he done?
And Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.(1 Samuel 20:33)
So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no meat the second day of the month: for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.(1 Samuel 20:34)
And it came to pass in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David, and a little lad with him.(1 Samuel 20:35)

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1 Samuel 20:32 - Cross Reference

And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin: but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. (1 Samuel 19:10)
Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. (Ecclesiastes 7:9)
If he say thus, It is well; thy servant shall have peace: but if he be very wroth, then be sure that evil is determined by him. (1 Samuel 20:7)
And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice. (1 Samuel 18:11)
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)
If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; (Proverbs 24:11)
And he said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go. (Luke 23:22)
And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. (Matthew 27:23)
Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? (John 7:51)
And Jacob was wroth, and chode with Laban: and Jacob answered and said to Laban, What is my trespass? what is my sin, that thou hast so hotly pursued after me? (Genesis 31:36)
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. (Proverbs 31:8)
For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest it, and didst rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause? (1 Samuel 19:5)
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: (Proverbs 22:24)
This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead. (Ecclesiastes 9:3)