King James Version
Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.(Proverbs 31:5)
Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.(Proverbs 31:6)
Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.(Proverbs 31:7)
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.(Proverbs 31:9)
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.(Proverbs 31:10)
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.(Proverbs 31:11)

Other publications related to "Proverbs 31:8":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
An Appointment with Christ: Proverbs 3 (Part 3)
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of remembering and keeping the law of the Lord in our hearts, as urged by the writer of Proverbs. He emphasizes the need to study, memorize, review, and meditate on the word of the Lord to make it a part of our essence and personality.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Above all else, guard your heart!
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda talks about how God tests peoples hearts to see who is committed to the mission, self-controlled, and interested in their own needs. He emphasizes the importance of having a heart that pleases God and guarding it from negative emotions like pride, envy, and hate. The article ends with a prayer for a clean heart.

Proverbs 31:8 - Cross Reference

Because I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. (Job 29:12)
Then Ahimelech answered the king, and said, And who is so faithful among all thy servants as David, which is the king's son in law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is honorable in thine house? (1 Samuel 22:14)
If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; (Proverbs 24:11)
And Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-ward very good: (1 Samuel 19:4)
Then said the princes and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God. (Jeremiah 26:16)
Nevertheless the hand of Ahikam the son of Shaphan was with Jeremiah, that they should not give him into the hand of the people to put him to death. (Jeremiah 26:24)
The princes refrained talking, and laid their hand on their mouth. (Job 29:9)
And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what hath he done? (1 Samuel 20:32)
Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate. (Proverbs 24:7)
Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon; the king then sitting in the gate of Benjamin; (Jeremiah 38:7)
Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. (Esther 4:13)
Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die; (Psalm 79:11)
Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? (John 7:51)
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. (Psalm 82:3)