King James Version
And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.(Deuteronomy 28:10)
And the LORD shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to give thee.(Deuteronomy 28:11)
The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.(Deuteronomy 28:12)
And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:
And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.(Deuteronomy 28:14)
But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:(Deuteronomy 28:15)
Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.(Deuteronomy 28:16)

Other publications related to "Deuteronomy 28:13":

Charles Spurgeon
See the open sky
An article by Charles Spurgeon about the Lord providing rain and blessings for his people, and directing their hearts to His love through Jesus Christ.

Charles Spurgeon
There will be no more curse
Read about the ultimate rewards of faithful service to the Lord in this devotional by Charles Spurgeon.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
II Chronicles 29 (Part 2)
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the principles of prosperity and blessing in life, using King Hezekiah as an example. He emphasizes the importance of having a positive outlook and expectation of God's blessings, and encourages readers to focus on the promises of blessing in the Bible and to renew their minds. The article also touches on breaking negative family patterns and undertaking great things in God's name.

Charles Spurgeon
Favored people
In this article, Charles Spurgeon reflects on the blessings that come with being an upright and favored person who enjoys communion with God and dwells in His presence.

Deuteronomy 28:13 - Cross Reference

Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. (Deuteronomy 4:6)
Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day. (Isaiah 9:14)
And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: (Deuteronomy 28:1)