King James Version
And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.(Numbers 31:13)
And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.(Numbers 31:14)
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?(Numbers 31:15)
Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.(Numbers 31:17)
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.(Numbers 31:18)
And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.(Numbers 31:19)

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Numbers 31:16 - Cross Reference

Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; (2 Peter 2:15)
And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. (Numbers 25:1)
For they vex you with their wiles, wherewith they have beguiled you in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a prince of Midian, their sister, which was slain in the day of the plague for Peor's sake. (Numbers 25:18)
Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you. (Deuteronomy 4:3)
And now, behold, I go unto my people: come therefore, and I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter days. (Numbers 24:14)
And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. (Ecclesiastes 7:26)
Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD, (Joshua 22:17)
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. (Revelation 2:14)
For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit. (Proverbs 23:27)