King James Version
Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: it is all turned white: he is clean.(Leviticus 13:13)
But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he shall be unclean.(Leviticus 13:14)
And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and pronounce him to be unclean: for the raw flesh is unclean: it is a leprosy.(Leviticus 13:15)
Or if the raw flesh turn again, and be changed unto white, he shall come unto the priest;
And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the plague be turned into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: he is clean.(Leviticus 13:17)
The flesh also, in which, even in the skin thereof, was a boil, and is healed,(Leviticus 13:18)
And in the place of the boil there be a white rising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be showed to the priest;(Leviticus 13:19)

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Leviticus 13:16 - Cross Reference

For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. (Romans 7:14)
And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. (Galatians 1:14)
Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (1 Timothy 1:13)
Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. (Philippians 3:6)