King James Version
And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.(Luke 10:7)
And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:(Luke 10:8)
And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.(Luke 10:9)
But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say,
Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.(Luke 10:11)
But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.(Luke 10:12)
Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.(Luke 10:13)

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Luke 10:10 - Cross Reference

And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. (Luke 9:5)
And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles. (Acts 18:6)
But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium. (Acts 13:51)
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. (Matthew 10:14)