King James Version
And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.(Mark 11:16)
And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.(Mark 11:17)
And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.(Mark 11:18)
And when even was come, he went out of the city.
And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.(Mark 11:20)
And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.(Mark 11:21)
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.(Mark 11:22)

Other publications related to "Mark 11:19":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Fix the house
The speaker reflects on the importance of spiritual renovation and integrity, using the metaphor of fixing ones physical house as a symbolic act of preparing the house of the Lord. He emphasizes the need for a strong foundation in our spiritual lives and living in accordance with the values of Gods kingdom.

Samuel Acevedo
Why does God take away something you love?
A sermon discussing Gods love and why he sometimes takes away things we love, using the examples of Jesus cursing a fig tree and cleansing the temple. The sermon emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and being open to Gods plan for our lives.

Mark 11:19 - Cross Reference

And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. (Mark 11:11)
While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them. (John 12:36)
And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. (Luke 21:37)