Fix the house

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on Mark 11:12-14, where Jesus curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit when it was not yet the season for it. The speaker sees this as a call to integrity and a prophetic message about rebuilding ruins, both physical and spiritual. He shares his personal experience of renovating his own home and how God has spoken to him through symbolic actions. He encourages listeners to pay attention to the ways God speaks to them through everyday elements of life.

The speaker has felt God urging him to fix his physical house, and in doing so, he has seen it as a symbolic act of preparing the house of the Lord. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the foundation and inner workings of one's life, not just the external appearance. He uses the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree as a metaphor for failed spirituality that focuses only on external displays of religion. He calls on the congregation to put their own houses in order and live lives of integrity.

The sermon discusses the importance of building a strong foundation in our spiritual lives and not just focusing on external displays of religion. The speaker calls for a time of introspection and preparation for the coming of God's spirit. He emphasizes the need for integrity and living in accordance with the values of God's kingdom. The congregation is urged to pray for God's cleansing and guidance in their lives.

We are now talking about the word of the Lord, we are going to go to the gospel according to Saint Mark, Mark chapter 11, today I am, you have seen those rock climbers, that when one climbs rocks without any type of mooring or security, it is called that one he is climbing alone, alone, that is, taking the risk, today I come with no more scaffolding than the word this morning, I have no notes or anything, so I am going to take a risk here, because it is true that the Lord has put something, it is rather as a testimony that I want to share with you this morning, something that the Lord is doing in my life, which I believe he is also doing in the León de Judá Congregation Church, and that he is calling his entire church through the earth, to assume this position of integrity, Mark chapter 11 verses 12 to 14, although this story continues later, but we are going to leave it there.

Mark 11, 12 to 14 says, this passage has always intrigued me, no, what was going through the mind of the Lord, when this event occurred. He says that the next day, and the Lord passes through Jerusalem on his way to the cross, he is already entering the last stage of his ministry, he is very aware that the crucifixion awaits him in the next few days, he will be crucified by his own compatriots, he will be crucified by the religious authorities, who, forcing and forcing the hand of the Roman civil authorities, are going to cause Him to be crucified, that is part of God's plan, but He knows that these religious hypocrites who lead their people are also involved, to his nation Israel, and I think that was on his mind when he directs this event here, the approaching crucifixion, the entry into Israel, the seat of religious authority, and his crucifixion by those religious who rule his nation .

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