Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
¿Cómo 'si Tú puedes?'" le dijo Jesús. "Todas las cosas son posibles para el que cree." (Mark 9:23)
Al instante el padre del muchacho gritó y dijo: "Creo; ayúdame en mi incredulidad." (Mark 9:24)
Cuando Jesús vio que la gente corría a reunirse, reprendió al espíritu inmundo, diciéndole: "Espíritu mudo y sordo, Yo te ordeno: sal de él y no vuelvas a entrar en él." (Mark 9:25)
Después de gritar y de sacudirlo con terribles convulsiones, el espíritu salió: y el muchacho quedó como muerto, tanto, que la mayoría de ellos decían: "¡Está muerto!"
Pero Jesús, tomándolo de la mano, lo levantó, y él se puso en pie. (Mark 9:27)
Cuando Jesús entro en casa, Sus discípulos Le preguntaban en privado: "¿Por qué nosotros no pudimos expulsarlo?" (Mark 9:28)
Jesús les dijo: "Esta clase con nada puede salir, sino con oración." (Mark 9:29)

Other publications related to "Mark 9:26":

Samuel Acevedo
Seeing is not Believing (Mark 9:14)
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
When God speaks to you, don't be incredulous
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of being open to the Word and works of God, and how a hardened heart can prevent us from receiving His blessings.

Alberto González Muñoz
Less words, more life
In Less words, more life, Alberto González Muñoz reflects on the story of the man born blind in John 9, highlighting Jesus power to heal and bring new life. Despite the Pharisees skepticism, the healed man testified to the reality of his experience, and Christians are encouraged to pray for those who reject their message and reflect the love of Jesus in their lives.

Olu Lawrence
God still works miracles
The speaker talks about the power of Gods miracles and how they can heal and liberate people from their struggles. Believing in Jesus is key to receiving healing and the speaker shares a personal experience of being healed by Jesus.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
your faith has saved you
A discussion on the power of faith using the story of the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible who had faith and received her healing from Jesus as an example. The speaker encourages listeners to have faith and persevere in prayer and discusses the importance of being plugged into Jesus and positive sources of energy.

Omar Soto
Bold faith receives its reward
A sermon about having daring faith and reaching out to Jesus for healing and transformation, using the stories of the woman with the blood issue and Jairus daughter to illustrate the power of faith.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God is always ready to answer our cry
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the story of the woman who was healed by touching Jesus mantle in Mark chapter 5. He emphasizes the importance of having faith and surrendering to God in order to experience His powerful move in our lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Do not take back your paralytic
A sermon on the importance of faith, fasting, and taking risks for God, based on the story of the paralytic in Luke 5:17-26.

Olu Lawrence
God still works miracles
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the power of miracles in ones life and how to receive them through faith in Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Word of God and using the power and authority given by Jesus to heal and break every yoke in our lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The requirements of the miracle
Discussions on the first formal miracle in Acts where Peter and John heal a lame man, emphasizing the importance of faith in Jesus Christ, cooperating with the Holy Spirit, and repentance. The speeches analyze the deity of Jesus Christ and the concept of restoration before His return, and encourage evangelism and anointing of the Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Overcome obstacles in community
Learn about the power of faith and community in overcoming obstacles and deficiencies, as seen through the story of the paralyzed man being healed by Jesus. Author Dr. Roberto Miranda shares insights on how to strengthen our faith and expectations of what God can do.

Omar Soto
Persistent faith (Matthew 15)
The story of a Canaanite woman seeking healing for her daughter from Jesus and the importance of persistent faith. The passage also shares a personal story about the speaker's experience with God's will.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Jesus, greater than Moses and the Law
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the power of Jesus to heal and restore as demonstrated in the narrative of the paralytic in John 5. He emphasizes the importance of presenting Jesus Christ as the focus of Christianity rather than a religious system or institution, and highlights the superiority of Jesus over the Old Testament system of healing. The article also touches on the doctrine of hell and the invitation to accept Christ for salvation and eternal life.

Mark 9:26 - Cross Reference

y siempre que se apodera de él, lo derriba, y echa espumarajos, cruje los dientes y se va consumiendo. Dije a Tus discípulos que expulsaran al espíritu, pero no pudieron." (Mark 9:18)
Por lo cual regocíjense, cielos y los que moran en ellos. ¡Ay de la tierra y del mar!, porque el diablo ha descendido a ustedes con gran furor, sabiendo que tiene poco tiempo." (Revelation 12:12)
Y lo llevaron ante El. Cuando el espíritu vio a Jesús, al instante sacudió con violencia al muchacho, y éste, cayendo a tierra, se revolcaba echando espumarajos. (Mark 9:20)
Entonces el espíritu inmundo, causándole convulsiones al hombre, gritó a gran voz y salió de él. (Mark 1:26)
Pues desde que vine a Faraón a hablar en Tu nombre, él ha hecho mal a este pueblo, y Tú no has hecho nada por librar a Tu pueblo." (Exodus 5:23)