Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Por eso, el reino de los cielos puede compararse a cierto rey que quiso ajustar cuentas con sus siervos. (Matthew 18:23)
Al comenzar a ajustarlas, le fue presentado uno que le debía 10,000 talentos (216 toneladas de plata). (Matthew 18:24)
Pero no teniendo él con qué pagar, su señor ordenó que lo vendieran, junto con su mujer e hijos y todo cuanto poseía, y así pagara la deuda. (Matthew 18:25)
Entonces el siervo cayó postrado ante él, diciendo: 'Tenga paciencia conmigo y todo se lo pagaré.'
Y el señor de aquel siervo tuvo compasión, lo soltó y le perdonó la deuda. (Matthew 18:27)
Pero al salir aquel siervo, encontró a uno de sus consiervos que le debía 100 denarios (salario de 100 días), y echándole mano, lo ahogaba, diciendo: 'Paga lo que debes.' (Matthew 18:28)
Entonces su consiervo, cayendo a sus pies, le suplicaba: 'Ten paciencia conmigo y te pagaré.' (Matthew 18:29)

Other publications related to "Matthew 18:26":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Negotiate with the talent that God has given you
A sermon about the parable of the ten servants, emphasizing the importance of using our talents wisely and for Gods glory, being faithful in little things, and advancing the Kingdom of God through entrepreneurial, mission-minded, and apostolic efforts. The speaker also encourages investing in Gods Kingdom without fear, trusting in Gods ability to provide, and living dedicated lives of service to God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
We are useless servants, undeserving of any praise
A sermon about the parable of the servant who does everything his master asks of him without expecting any praise or reward and how it relates to the fundamental attitude of a believer.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Useless servants we are
A discussion of the parable of the useless servants in Luke 17:7-10, emphasizing the importance of humility and submission to Gods will in our Christian and prayer life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Trading for the Kingdom
This article discusses the importance of approaching Christian work with a business mindset and negotiating for the Kingdom. It uses the parable of the nobleman to emphasize the need for effort and making a profit through investments and business efforts. The article also discusses the severity of Jesus Christ as a judge and king in his second coming, and the importance of believers appearing before the judgment seat of Christ. It emphasizes the need for efficiency, organization, discipline, and purpose in the church of Jesus Christ, and the importance of trading for the Kingdom of God.

Gregory Bishop
The rich, young man
A passage from the Bible where Jesus challenges a rich man to sell everything and follow him, highlighting the importance of surrendering everything to follow Christ and the difficulty for the rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:26 - Cross Reference

Pues desconociendo la justicia de Dios y procurando establecer la suya propia, no se sometieron a la justicia de Dios. (Romans 10:3)
Supongo que aquél a quien le perdonó más," respondió Simón. Y Jesús le dijo: "Has juzgado correctamente." (Luke 7:43)
Entonces su consiervo, cayendo a sus pies, le suplicaba: 'Ten paciencia conmigo y te pagaré.' (Matthew 18:29)
Y se acercó un leproso y se postró ante El, diciendo: "Señor, si quieres, puedes limpiarme." (Matthew 8:2)