King James Version
Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.(Ezekiel 37:26)
My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.(Ezekiel 37:27)
And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.(Ezekiel 37:28)
And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,(Ezekiel 38:2)
And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:(Ezekiel 38:3)
And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:(Ezekiel 38:4)

Other publications related to "Ezekiel 38:1":

Fumio Taku
The church and the people of Israel
The importance of Christians understanding the connection between themselves and Israel, Gods promises to the people of Israel, and the role of gentile Christians in spreading the salvation message of Jesus Christ.

Fumio Taku
The church and the people of Israel
Fumio Taku shares his testimony and love for Israel, leading Christians and Jews United for Israel. He emphasizes the importance of understanding our Jewish roots and Gods covenant, referencing Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel. The Gentile church is called to pray for and support the restoration of the people of Israel. Despite the complexity of the situation with the Palestinians, Christians should support the Jewish people and study the Scriptures to understand why Israel is important.

Ezekiel 38:1 - Cross Reference