King James Version
What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord GOD of hosts.(Isaiah 3:15)
Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:(Isaiah 3:16)
Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.(Isaiah 3:17)
In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,
The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,(Isaiah 3:19)
The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings,(Isaiah 3:20)
The rings, and nose jewels,(Isaiah 3:21)

Other publications related to "Isaiah 3:18":

Fabiana Manzewitsch
The strange work of the Lord
Reflection on the strange work of the Lord and how worship releases new strategies for his people.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
You will be called a wicket repairman
Reflections on the challenges and opportunities for the Lion of Judah congregation in Boston to be a source of blessings to others, including the homeless community and a family in need of financial assistance for their daughters lung transplant. Emphasis on the importance of being a wicket repairman and restoring ruins, as well as living for Gods glory.

Isaiah 3:18 - Cross Reference

And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was a thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold; beside ornaments, and collars, and purple raiment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside the chains that were about their camels' necks. (Judges 8:26)
Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Rise thou, and fall upon us: for as the man is, so is his strength. And Gideon arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away the ornaments that were on their camels' necks. (Judges 8:21)