King James Version
He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity.(Job 36:10)
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.(Job 36:11)
But if they obey not, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge.(Job 36:12)
But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he bindeth them.
They die in youth, and their life is among the unclean.(Job 36:14)
He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression.(Job 36:15)
Even so would he have removed thee out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set on thy table should be full of fatness.(Job 36:16)

Other publications related to "Job 36:13":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
A just God gives punishment and reward
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda talks about the importance of warning people about the reality of hell and the consequences of disobedience. He emphasizes the need for reconciliation with God and how faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to enter Gods kingdom.

Charles Spurgeon
With Justice
An article by Charles Spurgeon discussing the concept of justice in relation to prosperity and how Gods discipline is an expression of love.

Job 36:13 - Cross Reference

But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; (Romans 2:5)
And said unto them, Ye shall not bring in the captives hither: for whereas we have offended against the LORD already, ye intend to add more to our sins and to our trespass: for our trespass is great, and there is fierce wrath against Israel. (2 Chronicles 28:13)
For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? (Job 27:8)
And if they be bound in fetters, and be holden in cords of affliction; (Job 36:8)
And in the time of his distress did he trespass yet more against the LORD: this is that king Ahaz. (2 Chronicles 28:22)
And, behold, ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, an increase of sinful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel. (Numbers 32:14)
By reason of the multitude of oppressions they make the oppressed to cry: they cry out by reason of the arm of the mighty. (Job 35:9)
Yea, thou castest off fear, and restrainest prayer before God. (Job 15:4)
Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron; (Psalm 107:10)
And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. (Matthew 22:12)