With Justice

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: Uninterrupted prosperity should cause fear and trembling as it may indicate that God has no esteem for us. God rebukes and disciplines those whom He loves, but allows those He has no esteem for to grow fat without fear. God uses the rod to correct His children out of love, but the punishment is with justice and regulated according to wisdom, sympathy, and love. We should not rebel against divine stipulations and accept punishment from God's hand with gladness, saying, "Your will be done."

To be left uncorrected would be a fatal sign: it would show that the Lord would have said: "It is given to idols; leave it alone." May God grant us that this is never our portion! Uninterrupted prosperity is something that should cause us fear and trembling. God rebukes and disciplines all those whom he loves dearly, but allows those for whom he has no esteem to grow fat without fear, like steers destined for the slaughterhouse. It is in love that our heavenly Father uses the rod for His children.

However, it is necessary to see that the correction is "with justice": He gives us love without measure, but the punishment is "with justice." Just as under the old law no Israelite could receive more than "forty lashes minus one," which guaranteed careful counting and limited suffering, so it is with every afflicted member of the house of faith: every blow is counted. Our punishment is regulated according to the measure of wisdom, sympathy and love. Far be it for us to rebel against such divine stipulations. Lord, if You are by my side to measure the bitter drops for my cup, it behooves me to gladly take it from Your hand, and drink it according to Your instructions, saying: "Your will be done."

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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