King James Version
Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number:(Job 5:9)
Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields:(Job 5:10)
To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exalted to safety.(Job 5:11)
He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.
He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.(Job 5:13)
They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night.(Job 5:14)
But he saveth the poor from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty.(Job 5:15)

Other publications related to "Job 5:12":

Charles Spurgeon
See the open sky
An article by Charles Spurgeon about the Lord providing rain and blessings for his people, and directing their hearts to His love through Jesus Christ.

Fabiana Manzewitsch
The strange work of the Lord
Reflection on the strange work of the Lord and how worship releases new strategies for his people.

Job 5:12 - Cross Reference

With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his. (Job 12:16)
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous. (Psalm 37:17)
Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. (Isaiah 8:10)
And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards. (Isaiah 19:3)
And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the LORD hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews. (Acts 12:11)
The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. (Psalm 33:10)
And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work. (Nehemiah 4:15)
For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform. (Psalm 21:11)
There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. (Proverbs 21:30)
Then the angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. (Isaiah 37:36)
And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. (Acts 23:12)