King James Version
And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.(Genesis 5:8)
And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:(Genesis 5:9)
And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:(Genesis 5:10)
And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.
And Cainan lived seventy years and begat Mahalaleel:(Genesis 5:12)
And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters:(Genesis 5:13)
And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.(Genesis 5:14)

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Genesis 5:11 - Cross Reference