King James Version
And say, Thus saith the king, Put this fellow in the prison, and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction, until I return in peace.(2 Chronicles 18:26)
And Micaiah said, If thou certainly return in peace, then hath not the LORD spoken by me. And he said, Hearken, all ye people.(2 Chronicles 18:27)
So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramothgilead.(2 Chronicles 18:28)
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, I will disguise myself, and I will go to the battle; but put thou on thy robes. So the king of Israel disguised himself; and they went to the battle.
Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of the chariots that were with him, saying, Fight ye not with small or great, save only with the king of Israel.(2 Chronicles 18:30)
And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore they compassed about him to fight: but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.(2 Chronicles 18:31)
For it came to pass, that, when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back again from pursuing him.(2 Chronicles 18:32)

Other publications related to "2 Chronicles 18:29":

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From crisis to blessing
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Water of life and water of death
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Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)
The sermon discusses spiritual warfare and the importance of obedience to God's will, using passages from 1 Kings 20 and other parts of the Bible. It emphasizes the need for discernment and a balance between forgiveness and judgment.

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Tie yourself to your confession
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How to pray to the Lord
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Tighten the screws on us!
The importance of seeking and trusting in Gods prophetic word in times of crisis for the church, based on the story of Jehoshaphat. The author emphasizes faith, obedience, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Isaías Rivera
The King has sent His chariot to look for you
The story of King David and Mefi-bosheth teaches us about the importance of recognition and value beyond external circumstances, and how God is always seeking to protect and care for us.

2 Chronicles 18:29 - Cross Reference

Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his face from him, but disguised himself, that he might fight with him, and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from the mouth of God, and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. (2 Chronicles 35:22)
And Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself, that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam; and get thee to Shiloh: behold, there is Ahijah the prophet, which told me that I should be king over this people. (1 Kings 14:2)
So the prophet departed, and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with ashes upon his face. (1 Kings 20:38)
When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. (Proverbs 26:25)
And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee. (1 Samuel 28:8)
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. (Psalm 12:2)
The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me: and disguiseth his face. (Job 24:15)
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:24)