King James Version
And the ark of God remained with the family of Obededom in his house three months. And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom, and all that he had.(1 Chronicles 13:14)
Now Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and timber of cedars, with masons and carpenters, to build him an house.(1 Chronicles 14:1)
And David perceived that the LORD had confirmed him king over Israel, for his kingdom was lifted up on high, because of his people Israel.(1 Chronicles 14:2)
And David took more wives at Jerusalem: and David begat more sons and daughters.
Now these are the names of his children which he had in Jerusalem; Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon,(1 Chronicles 14:4)
And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet,(1 Chronicles 14:5)
And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,(1 Chronicles 14:6)

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1 Chronicles 14:3 - Cross Reference

He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. (Matthew 19:8)
And David took him more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem, after he was come from Hebron: and there were yet sons and daughters born to David. (2 Samuel 5:13)
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. (Proverbs 5:18)
Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. (Deuteronomy 17:17)
And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. (1 Kings 11:3)
Now these were the sons of David, which were born unto him in Hebron; the firstborn Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, of Abigail the Carmelitess: (1 Chronicles 3:1)
And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. (Ecclesiastes 7:26)
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, (Matthew 19:4)
Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 9:9)
Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. (Malachi 2:14)