Your kindness be known

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from Philippians 4:4-7 calls for Christians to show kindness, generosity, and patience in their interactions with others. The original Greek word used, epieikes, encompasses qualities such as meekness, humility, kindness, affability, and gentleness. It is a kind of justice that goes beyond strict and general judgement and takes into account the context and intent of a person's actions. In a world that is increasingly polarized and filled with accusations, Christians are called to show a different attitude characterized by harmony, generosity, and patience.

Epieikes, or kindness, is a word that is hard to translate as it encompasses tender tolerance for others despite having reason to be intolerant. Jesus exemplified this kindness when he showed mercy towards Zacchaeus, the woman with the issue of blood, and the paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof. This kindness should be the balance between justice and love, patience and truth, and goodness and clarity. Churches and ministries should strive to have this balance and treat each other with kindness and gentleness. The only way to preserve a marriage, church, city, or race is through this posture of gentleness and mercy. The world needs peacemakers, and we should strive to be those people of mercy and goodness.

The world needs peacemakers who are merciful and kind. Jesus Christ set an example by sacrificing his rights for the sake of others. To have emotional health and peace, one should be generous, forgiving, and do more than expected. Only truly strong people can be gentle because they are self-assured and have faith in the Lord. Living life in the light of eternity and the principles of scripture brings blessings. Forgiveness is important in all areas of life, and one should let go of bitterness and seek to be gentle like Jesus Christ.

Forgive those who have treated you badly and let go of situations that are causing you stress. Don't cling to your rights and surrender to God, becoming a truly gentle and peaceful person. This is the most revolutionary thing in the universe and will make you inviolable. God will bless and defend you, giving back your rights multiplied. Receive this call from God and adopt it as a principle of life.

Philippians in chapter 4. I'm going to start with verse 4, but what I'm really interested in focusing on is a word found in verse 5, but to give you some context we're going to read from 4 to 7. Word of the Apostle Paul so well known.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I tell you, rejoice. Tell someone next to you, rejoice. But that is not what I want to deal with although we have to rejoice in winter when we see that winter is coming. Rejoice in the Lord. But look at what the Apostle Paul says in light of that rejoicing, that joy that should characterize the children of God. He has some very, very interesting advice. It says: "Your kindness be known to all men." I want you to focus on that word, courtesy. What do you understand by kindness? What associations does the word kindness bring to your mind? And he says let your kindness be known, let there be a reputation for kindness, that when people think of the Lion of Judah congregation, when they think of one of our members wherever they are in the city, they think, wow, how nice that is. person.

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