I do new thing

Omar Soto
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The passage from Isaiah 43:18-19 calls for us to forget the past and embrace new things that God has planned for us. This can be difficult, but it requires intentional seeking and acceptance of new things. In Matthew 14:22-33, we see how Jesus orchestrated a situation for the disciples to experience something new, and Peter was the only one who had the courage to walk on water with Jesus. In our lives, we must also have the courage to embrace new things that God has for us and ask for discernment to know what is truly from Him.

The sermon focuses on the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus and how it teaches us to step out of our comfort zones and trust in the Lord. The speaker emphasizes the importance of discernment and not being afraid to try new things, even if they seem crazy. He also discusses the humbling experience of failure and how it can lead to growth and blessings from God. The speaker encourages the audience to seek out new things and to trust in God's plan for their lives. The sermon ends with a prayer for blessings and protection for the audience.

I pray that God reveals himself to you through your dreams and guides you through the challenges of tomorrow. I declare blessings, provision, protection, and joy upon you.

Isaiah 43, verses 18 and 19. Okay. If you have the Bible there, let's read them all together. We are ready? Yeah? OK. Let me read from the same version that you may have too. He says, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Do not remember the past things and do not remember the old things. Behold, I do a new thing. Soon it will come to light, you will not know it. Once again I will open roads in the desert and rivers in solitude."

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