Worship Matters (Part 1)
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
A meditation that I am going to base on the Book of Acts chapter 16. We are going to skip because I told the musicians and singers that we were going to make this service a meditation on Praise, on Adoration. So since we had them leading us in adoration, let's also take a moment to meditate on the importance, the role of praise, of adoration in the life of God's people.
We could title this sermon 'Worship Matters'. Worship matters. Say everyone: "adoration", Ah! No, no, but that didn't eat enough bananas this morning. "Worship matters." Another way of saying is 'worship is important.' But let's go to the Book of Acts Chapter 16, as I say, starting there with Verse 16 itself. We have a passage here - what I'm doing is going forward and then go back another time.