Will I be able? Will I be able to do this?

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker poses the question of whether we have ever asked ourselves if we are capable of facing challenges in life, and offers examples such as work projects, academic struggles, parenting, marriage, and personal struggles. He suggests that when we view challenges through our own human eyes, we tend to feel less capable, but when we view them through God's eyes, our capacity increases. He emphasizes that God is a God of peace and wants us to be calm and hopeful in Him. The speaker cites Hebrews 13:20-21, which refers to God as the God of peace who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, and who can empower us to do His will. He encourages listeners to ask God for wisdom and gifts of the Spirit to help them face challenges, and reminds them that God can work in and through them to accomplish His purposes.

God works in us and through us to make us competent and live according to His principles. He disciplines us to show us the path He wants us to follow, not through punishment, but through correction and teaching. He wants us to be strong and well-equipped, and He sends His angels and puts people around us to help. We should react with love, not according to the patterns of this world. Jesus is in us, and He equips and prepares us to face any challenge. We should allow every situation to become our learning laboratory and see the hand of God at work. We should align ourselves with the desires of God's heart and live according to His word. May God bless and keep us and grant us His peace.

I ask you a question, my brothers, I don't know if at some point you have asked yourself, can I do this? I don't know if you have found yourself in a situation in your life where at some point you have said to yourself, can I do this? Will I be able to carry this out? Maybe at work or suddenly, you are faced with a new project and they are putting that project in your hands, and suddenly you say to the boss or your boss, yes, no problem, but inside you are like wow, and am I going to be able to do this?

Or maybe you are a student at a university or college, or however you want to say it, and suddenly, you come across a subject that you are totally blocked, blocked, with that subject, and day after day you arrive at the classroom class and you're wondering, wow, can I do this?

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