What is heard about you?

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: It is possible to abandon harmful habits and customs, despite the belief that one's nature cannot be changed. The Bible teaches that a transformation can occur through accepting Christ and repenting of sins, resulting in a new life. Criticism may arise from non-believers, but experiencing the change brings happiness and meaning to life.

How to find the inner strength to abandon the customs and habits that have damaged or dominated us for a long time? Is there any hope for someone living a messy life who wishes to straighten out their path?

A saying that is repeated a lot in Cuba and in some Latin American countries tries to teach that no: "A tree that is born crooked, its trunk never straightens." It is repeated so much that it tends to be accepted as an absolute and hopeless truth. Other times people insist that: I am like that. Or worse still: God made me like this. In this way they insist that everyone, including themselves, must accept themselves as they are because the possibility of genuine change is almost nonexistent.

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