What gift did you receive?

Myriam Díaz
Myriam Díaz

SUMMARY: The writer and her son prayed for a grateful heart and to see the greatness of God's power and works in their lives. After the prayer, they felt the glory of God and the writer cried tears of gratitude for her son and the gift of being chosen by God to care for him. She encourages others to value and put effort into the special gift that God has given them and to express deep gratitude.

One Wednesday taking my son to school as I always have, he and I began to pray. We immediately began to ask God to give us a truly grateful heart. Not only because of the knowledge that He gives us everything, but with a heart that knows it from the depths and sees it. We asked the Father to lift the curtain that prevented us from seeing the greatness of His Power and His Majesty. Let us see His precious works in us.

After the prayer, we could feel that the Glory of God was in our midst. I began to cry with gratitude, I gave thanks between tears for the son who was sitting next to me, I gave thanks for his life and I saw how he could have been with many other families, more he was with ours. I saw how God could have placed it anywhere else, but he gave it to me .... ”and she got pregnant and had a child. He called him Cain because he said: Thank God I have had a boy! " Genesis 4: 1 I saw how God had given me this beautiful gift that has no price and I saw many other people that he could see chosen, many options that God had and of all those that he had, he placed that precious pearl in my life, in me. home, in my care. He gave it to me to educate, care for, and guide him. He gave it to me, he honored me, he said: I trust you. There were so many options and God chose me. What a privilege! God is giving gifts to all of us. I want to encourage you to value and put all your effort into the special gift that the Lord has given you. Do not look at what he gave to other people but just focus on what he gave you and thank him from the bottom of your heart and the gratitude you will feel will be so deep that you will scream: Thank you!

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