An X-ray of the human heart
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Matthew 13, Jesus speaks in parables about the sower and the seed, highlighting the different factors that determine the success or failure of preaching and evangelism. The seed is the Word of God, and the sower is the Church of Jesus Christ. The sower's job is to sow the seed, but the success of the seed depends on the condition of the soil, which is out of the sower's control. Therefore, we must be obedient and constantly sow the Word wherever we are placed. We are called to be eternal, constant, and tireless sowers. There are things out of our control, and we cannot make the mistake of trying to manipulate or force the seed to sprout. We must trust in God's timing and let Him take care of the rest.
As a pastor, the speaker has learned that they cannot control everything, and they cannot force people to accept the Gospel. They must preach the Gospel with love and transparency, but also with confidence and without begging people to accept it. They should be solicitous but also wise, knowing when to speak and when to be silent. The devil is committed to preventing people from knowing Christ, so churches must be filled with the Holy Spirit, skilled in spiritual warfare, and intercessory. People who hear the Gospel and do not understand it are easy prey for Satan, so they must let go of their intellectual schemes and become like children. They must understand the importance of the Gospel and that it pertains to their eternal destiny.
The Gospel is important and people need to understand its significance for their eternal destiny. God is involved in the proclamation of the Gospel, sometimes choosing certain people for salvation. However, some people may not understand the importance of the Gospel, which allows the enemy to do damage. There are also those who receive the Gospel quickly but do not have strong roots, and when affliction or persecution comes, they fall away. Finally, there are those who hear the Gospel but are more focused on worldly things, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word in their lives. It is important to persist and remain faithful to God's calling despite trials and struggles.
The speaker discusses the parable of the sower and the different types of soil that represent people's hearts towards the Gospel. They encourage listeners to examine their own hearts and prioritize their love for God above the things of this world. The speaker also invites anyone who has not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior to do so and prays for those who respond.Gospel according to Saint Matthew chapter 13. I want to talk about an x-ray of the human heart, an x-ray of the human heart and specifically regarding our reaction to the Word of God and the Gospel.
Chapter 13 that familiar parable, the parable of the sower and the seed. It says that: "That day" verse 1 "Jesus left the house and sat down by the sea. And many people gathered around him, and he got into the boat and sat down and all the people were on the beach."