A harmonious community

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker is starting a series of teachings on the Book of Acts and how the early Christian community's values and way of living should be a model for us today. The passage she focuses on is Acts 4:32-37, which highlights the importance of unity and generosity in the community. When there is harmony and generosity among God's people, the Holy Spirit can move powerfully in their midst, and the community can be a blessing to those around them. This passage also emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and living out the Gospel in our daily lives.

In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of generosity and living a life according to the values of the Kingdom of God. He cites examples from the Bible, particularly the early Christian community in Acts, where people shared their possessions and helped each other according to their needs. The speaker encourages the audience to be cheerful givers and to understand that everything belongs to God. He also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, humility, and serving one another. The ultimate goal is to create a community that glorifies God and manifests the values of the Kingdom of God in all dimensions of life.

The speaker talks about the power of God and how it can bring will, self-control, wisdom, strategy, intelligence, and physical energy to those who live according to the values of the Kingdom of God. The speaker believes that the norm of the Christian life should be when God channels his graces, favor, and power through normality. The speaker encourages the congregation to declare their dependence on God and their desire to honor him in all things. They pray for God to pour out his power and restore his people, heal his people, and send workers to his harvest. They also pray for the nations and the world to come to know Jesus Christ. The speaker declares new times and a genuine and authentic flow of God on Earth and on his church.

The Lord has put it on my heart to share with you, in the coming weeks, as He directs from the Book of Acts. Praying to the Lord that we begin now in this new year and a series of teachings and we are going to be sharing from the Book of Acts, from the life of a vital community such as the primitive community. The first Church that God raised up under the dispensation of Christ, let's say the economy of Christ.

And what was that church like? What values did he have? For some reason the Holy Spirit appointed Luke to leave a record of what life was like for those early believers.

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