An Esther cannot be neutral
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The pastor encourages the congregation to read the book of Esther during the week of fasting and prayer. He sees Esther as a woman called by God to intervene at a critical time in the history of her people, and believes that the book has a message for both personal and collective levels. He sees parallels between the situation of God's people in Esther's time and the current state of the church, which he sees as impotent and captive in a world dominated by antichrist spirits. He believes that God is working behind the scenes to protect and advance his people, and that there are many "Esthers" being prepared for a time like this. He urges the church to be prophetic, clear, and insistent in defending the values of the Kingdom of God, and not to be neutral or afraid of being clear about things. He sees every member of the church as an instrument for the preservation of life and urges them to live intentionally, like heroes and warriors with their swords always in hand. He cites the example of a couple from the church in Colombia who decided to get married after living together for many years, as an example of people whose lives have been transformed and who are witnessing to their unconverted family about Jesus Christ.
The speaker attended a wedding of a couple who decided to get married after living together for many years because they wanted to honor the Lord and organize their lives. The couple also wanted to witness to their unconverted family about Jesus Christ. The speaker believes that we should all live a strategic life, wondering how we can use our resources to be an instrument for people to come to know Jesus. We should not underestimate our value and power to affect our environment. The speaker believes that each of us is like Esther, called to live a conscious and urgent life dedicated to God's great purposes. The speaker prays that this church and community will make a difference and be part of God's redemptive purposes in the nation and throughout the earth.The Lord put it on my heart to share something with you that would be appropriate for this Sunday when we begin our week of fasting and prayer, but that would also be a word of encouragement and vision for the rest of the year, for all of us. And when I asked the Lord specifically, Father, give me a word for the people, the image of Esther suddenly came to my mind. And actually, I had not even visualized how this service was going to develop, but I definitely believe that the image of Esther, a woman who was called to intervene at a critical time in the history of her people, is very appropriate for everything that God has been speaking to us in this meeting. And I just want to leave you with one subject, let's say, an assignment, a task, and that is that this week read the book of Esther, read the book of Esther and use it as a point of meditation for your life.
How many receive that assignment from their pastor? Amen. Read the book of Esther, ask the Holy Spirit to open that book to your understanding and meditate on that book on two levels, meditate on that book on the personal level of your own life, what does that book tell you about your own life? And also meditate on that book at the collective level of this nation and this time in the history of humanity, and see Esther as the church of Jesus Christ and what God is also saying to us through his word, as a collective, as a church, as a nation at this time in history. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom in this regard.