Esther knew how to work as a team with others

Mercedes López-Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The book of Esther tells the story of a Jewish orphan named Esther who becomes queen of the Persian empire. When a plot to kill all Jewish people is discovered, Esther and her adoptive father Mordecai must make a life or death decision to save their people. Through the story, we see the presence of God and how he works in unexpected ways to bring about miracles and unexpected results. Esther's inner beauty and spiritual depth distinguish her from other beautiful women in the court, and she finds grace and kindness before the cruel king Ahasuerus. Despite the evil plot of Haman, God uses Esther to save her people and fulfill her destiny. The story teaches us to never stop fixing our eyes on the Lord and to remember our identity and purpose in Him.

In the book of Esther, we see the story of a Jewish woman named Esther who becomes queen of Persia and is faced with a difficult decision when her people are threatened with genocide by an evil man named Haman. Esther seeks God's wisdom and guidance, and through fasting, prayer, and intercession, she devises a plan to save her people. She shows us the importance of seeking God's strategies and waiting on His timing, rather than acting impulsively and in our own flesh. We should always seek to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in difficult situations and trust in God's faithfulness to provide for us.

The story of Esther and Mordecai teaches us about obedience, teamwork, and using the resources God has given us to fulfill our purpose and destiny. We must embrace our identity in God, seek to obey Him, and be willing to get out of our comfort zone to fulfill His will. By doing so, we can impact not only our own lives but also the lives of future generations. Let us pray for wisdom and resources from heaven to navigate difficult times and fulfill our God-given purpose.

I pray for my brothers in the name of the Lord, asking for wisdom and resources in difficult times. I thank God for their gifts and ask that they continue to flourish for His glory. Thank you, God, for everything you've done and will continue to do in our lives. Amen.

Never stop fixing your eyes on the Lord, because, always at some point, even though you think He is taking a long time, at some point what you have longed for and what you need will arrive.

Always know as we told the young ladies yesterday that none of us is an accident, it was not simply because our parents got together one day and as a result we are here.

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