An end to the war

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

RESUMEN: Peace will only be established by the reign of the Prince of Peace, who will teach people by His Spirit, renew hearts by His grace, and reign in them by His supreme power. Only Jesus can turn the bloodthirsty passions of man into a peaceful lamb. Let us pray for peace to be established throughout the world.

Oh, that these happy times had already arrived! At the present time, nations are heavily armed, inventing still more and more terrible weapons, as if man's main objective could only be accomplished by destroying myriads of his fellow men. However, peace will prevail one day; yes, and it will prevail in such a way that the instruments of destruction will be molded into other shapes and used for better purposes.

How will this happen? By trade? Through civilization? Through arbitration? We don't believe it. Past experience prevents us from relying on such weak instruments. Peace will be established solely by the reign of the Prince of Peace. He is to teach the people by His Spirit, he is to renew hearts by His grace, and he is to reign in them by His supreme power, and then they will cease to wound and kill. Man is a monster once his blood is boiling, and only the Lord Jesus can turn this lion into a lamb. By changing the heart of man, his bloodthirsty passions are mastered. May each reader of this book of promises today offer a special prayer to the Lord and Giver of Peace, so that he may promptly put an end to the war, and establish harmony throughout the world.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.ón.pdf

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