A man's commitment

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: The speaker shares two poems, one about a virtuous woman and one about walking through thorns. He then expresses his concern about the lack of healthy marriages in the church and society, and urges men to be benevolent and loving partners to their wives, and for young men to prepare to be good husbands. He also acknowledges the many women who are alone due to failed marriages or mistreatment by men. He attributes the decline in healthy marriages to the society's increasing sexual corruption and calls for a commitment to holiness.

The speaker discusses the importance of men taking responsibility in their homes and being strong, loving, and faithful leaders. He emphasizes the need for men to provide security, support, and encouragement to their wives and children, and to be priests in their homes. The speaker also addresses the issue of pornography and sexual promiscuity among men, calling for a holy walk before God and seeking help if needed. He believes that a movement of active, dedicated, and humble men can bring about a revolutionary change in society.

The speaker addresses issues within the church regarding the roles of men and women in their marriages and families. He emphasizes the need for men to be strong, loving, responsible leaders in their homes, and for women to be supportive and respectful of their husbands' leadership. The speaker also calls for repentance and a commitment to living according to the values of the Gospel in order to heal and strengthen families. He encourages both men and women to seek help and accountability in addressing any issues or struggles in their relationships. The goal is to create healthy, balanced homes that reflect the values of God's word.

The speaker addresses the congregation, emphasizing the need for men to be transformed and not conform to the world's standards. He acknowledges that many men have been hurt and damaged in their masculinity, and invites them to pray for healing. The speaker also recognizes the need for women to receive healing from their own wounds and resentment, and invites them to come forward for prayer. He encourages everyone to leave their burdens at the altar and embrace their new identity as children of God.

The prayer is asking God to break the impossible cycle of carrying burdens and making unhealthy decisions. It's asking for healthy relationships and the ability to recognize and reject unhealthy ones. The prayer asks for healthy children and for mothers to raise them with God's teachings. The prayer also asks for young women to make healthy decisions and not give up their progeny. It asks for women to be centered on God and for mothers to set an example for their daughters. The prayer thanks God for bringing healing and holiness to homes and asks for His continued work in renewing minds to reject what is not His.

For the glory and honor of the Lord, I am going to tell you a poem that has the title 9 “Virtuous Woman”

Woman, gift of God
Faithful companion of man
That obey the creator by putting his name on high
One flesh belongs to his faithful companion
God said so when he put them in the garden
Help and doña you are
And with him you will live
Strive day by day
For it is the word of Jehovah.

Humble and virtuous woman
That in difficult times
You know how to tell your husband 'I feel here by your side'
Speak to me with confidence
I know we have problems
But united and praying to the Lord we will win.

Humble and virtuous woman
That when your wife arrives disoriented and grumpy
You have the solution
Because you receive it with love
And with soft and agreeable words You know the Scriptures
Advise him
And you solve problems
And there is peace in the home
Because a virtuous woman
Knows how to advise

Woman even if the tests come
Wanting to knock you down
Embrace your beloved husband
That together they will be able to fight
And the victory you will obtain
Because you are a virtuous woman
And with Christ always in front
You will do wonderful things

Arm in arm with your husband
Always fight without ceasing
Life is fleeting
And soon it will end
br/> And the reward they will have
Because united they won
And they will walk the streets of gold
With Jesus the Nazarene

Brothers, God bless you. I'm going to try to read this poem to you. I have bad eyesight but this poem is so beautiful, I would like to leave it with you. If by chance I couldn't, may the Lord allow me not, I'm going to tell you the other one, with my pastor's permission. God bless you.


I walked and walked
And at the moment I found
That I was stepping among thorns
That lacerated my feet
The pain was terrible
And on the other side I walked
And feeling very tired
I sat down to look at my feet.

I looked the other way
And the road was so wide
And I said 'Lord, Lord
Why is mine so narrow?
why so many thorns?
why so much pain?
I have no one by my side
And I am alone, my Lord

And a sweet voice answer
'everyone has moved away
but follow your path
I'll be by your side
because if you take that path
you don't want to walk
You will never be able to enter
the heavenly homeland.'

And with very soft words
The Lord spoke to me
Walk, walk,
With a firm step
I took your pain
I began to walk again
I thought that when the Lord spoke to me
I would no longer have sorrows
I would no longer have pain

But I was wrong
Because the more I walked
br/> The path was narrower
And I found more thorns
'Lord, I can't take it anymore'
I screamed desperately
And he with his tender voice
I He said he walked with me
I will never leave you

If you want to be with me
On this narrow path
You must always walk
Do not fear or dismay
Because I am with you
Look for me, look for me always
And don't leave the path
Because at the end of the path
There will be a very beautiful door
That will open when you arrive
br/> And you will see very beautiful things

There you will have to forget
Past suffering
And there will only be joy
For God will be by your side
Thank you, Thank you my Lord Jesus I know you have answered me
I will always follow the path
For you will be by my side.

Glory to the Lord. Glory to the Lord. Glory to the Lord.

Brothers, no matter how great your trial, no matter how great your pain, in the moment of trial and pain, bend your knees and you will feel something that wants to prevent you from bending them, but do not obey, bend the knee and continue to wait. It does not matter that you are there as long as you are, that in due time he arrives and will lift you up. He will answer the requests of your heart. May God continue to bless you. Thank you my pastor, for this opportunity.

The Apostle Paul says that although the inner man, the inner woman wears out, the interior is renewed day by day. Amen. There is something very special in a person who has lived with the Lord, that when they get older, but the grace of God manifests itself with more power through them, more grace, more authority.

You know, while I was listening here to the first poem that Sister Genoveva read, who recited, I experienced an agony that I get from time to time before preaching, and it's that I felt... I wondered if I had to change the subject of the message or not, and I think I'm going to do it. And I'm going, rather, this is going to be an exhortation for you, it's more of an exhortation because I don't have anything in particular like that, a particular text but I'm going to release myself to the direction of the Lord and I'm going to tell you why I changed the topic.

The poem that she recited, look there in Ephesians, Chapter 5 and I'm going to read beginning in verse 21. I'll find out to bring you up to date with the group of 9, because I'm preaching on the epistle the Romans specifically. But that poem aroused in me a concern that I want to share with you this afternoon, and I feel that this is going to be more of a prophetic word, a word of pastoral exhortation for the men and for the women who are here this afternoon, to marriages, for the young people up there too, I want them to listen to me very carefully too.

It says there in Chapter 5:21, Ephesians, says: ".... Submit yourselves to one another in the fear of God, wives are subject to their own husbands as to the Lord, because the husband He is the head of the woman just as Christ is the head of the church which is his body and he is its savior.”

Let's go to verse 25, it says “...Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to sanctify her, having purified her in the washing of water by the word .”

Verse 28 “....so also husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, because no one ever hated his own flesh but rather sustains and cares for it as Christ does the church. Because we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will be one flesh."

May the Lord bless his word.

What was it that worried me about that poem that Sister Genoveva recited? The poem speaks to the woman, referring to the ideal woman from Chapter 31 of Proverbs, a virtuous woman. And he speaks to the virtuous woman that in relation to her husband they solve problems when there are conflicts, when there is a crisis at home, that she call her husband, that she talk to him, etc, etc.

It is a call to the virtuous and clear woman, the poem assumes that there is a marriage, it assumes that there is a marriage where there is a man and a woman in a home, perhaps with children, etc. solving problems and that there is communication between that man and that woman, that although they have problems and have conflicts, but they are together and can talk to each other.

And it is a call to that married woman to fulfill her sacred calling to be a blessing to her home. And while I was listening to the poem, as a pastor, I am concerned about the fact that there are a lot of people and, by the way, brothers, please, I am going to ask that your children be kept quiet and in order so that we can all listen well and maintain that order.

It assumes that there is a relationship between husband and wife and as a pastor who knows my church, I am aware that in many marriages in this church, as in many homes in all churches in this nation and in the world. world, there is no healthy marriage unfortunately; where these problems and life situations can be solved.

I know many women, and again I hope in the Lord that the men will not bother with what I am going to preach this afternoon, because I believe that part of it is going to touch them, but I want to do it, brothers, in the spirit of the Lord and I want to do it as your pastor that I am, who loves you and who respects the word of God and who respects the spirit of the Lord.

But, there are many, for example I look, and I am sure that if we look around there are many women here with their children because they do not have a husband, because their husband left them for another, or there was disagreements at home and he is no longer at home. And as a pastor, I know so many good women, so many women of God who are dissatisfied, either in their marriages, or simply they are not even with a man because many men have abused their women and mistreated them and have not behaved like they have to behave men of God.

Society at this time is suffering a crisis. There are very few healthy homes in this nation, let's talk about this nation. And I want to tell you that in the church, brothers, it's a shame to say it, there are few healthy marriages. There are many discontented women and many injured women.

And again, I'm not here to throw rocks at men. Many of what I say probably fit me too, but I believe that if the church of Jesus Christ does not speak clearly, there will never be healing. If we are always throwing the garbage under the rug, there will be no healing. And I believe that God wants to make this church, I feel in these last days that God is moving in a very powerful way in this congregation and I think that God will continue to do this, but we have to speak clearly, we have to prepare things.

And I also want to tell many young men, too, that it is important that they prepare to be the men of God that they need to be. God wants the church to put its house in order, brothers. That we put our marriages in order. I believe that there are many men who love the Lord and who come to church and give their tithes and serve the Lord and pray and cry out and are spiritual warriors, but they are not being the husbands that they should be in their homes. They are not manifesting the spirit of Jesus Christ, the servant spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When the Lord made us men the head of the home, he made us the head not to rule over the woman, not to abuse our authority, but to serve the woman, to love our women and to be a benevolent presence in our homes.

I always ask the Lord, and I have found myself praying this many times when I go out with my family on vacation, I say, 'Father, help me to be a caring partner with my wife and with my daughters', because I myself can sometimes be a bit harsh and I can say things with a liveliness and a passion that I myself think is fine, but in the ears of my wife or my daughters, it may sound like a scolding , can sound like a violent word. And I always ask him, 'Lord, help me to be more and more of a benevolent presence, a spirit that affirms and supports and blesses my wife and my daughters, not a shocking presence in the home, as many men can be. .

And I see too, many beautiful women with their children alone. And that will continue to grow every day in this nation. There are going to be more and more single mothers and more and more fatherless homes. Because? Because today the society that we live in, which is part of that process of corruption that Romans talks about, in fact, I'm not that far from my original text by the way. As man becomes more and more corrupted, both men and women become more and more perverted in the sexual aspect and there is more freedom and men today have complete freedom. There are so many women today willing to give themselves to a man with a view to getting a partner and modesty has been lost, and the fear of God has been lost. And today the media keep us sexually inflamed, so to speak graphically, there is a fever of sensuality in this nation and that means that unless men of God we truly propose to live in holiness, it will be impossible for us to homes remain, brothers. Because today the woman is as free as the man and she is so needed and so free to do what she wants, that men are needed with a firm decision, that we have died to the flesh or at least that we hold it in the spirit of the Lord, that there may be healthy homes.

But, today there are many, there are many men living a double life, and many women who are discontented. There is a lot of verbal abuse, a lot of emotional abuse at home, a lot of shouting, a lot of gossip, a lot of discontent. And all this is generating a very large, very serious discomfort in homes. And if we do not die, if men do not die to the flesh and to the self and to sensuality and to the world, there will be no healing in our homes, there will be no peace in our homes.

There must be men who recognize their responsibility before God. Here it says “.... husbands, love your wives”. What does it mean to love our women? Well, the Apostle Paul clarified it by saying, as Christ loved the church, that he gave himself for her.

Male, either current husband or potential husband, or husband you've screwed up, and you have a disgruntled wife, or she's either about to kick you out of the house, or she's already kicked you out and maybe you're going to have to... what's going to happen in the future. I want to advise you. What “love your wife” says means that your presence in your home is like the presence of Christ. That is the goal that we all have to aim for as men, that our women feel covered by us, protected by us. That is first.

A woman needs security, brothers. One of the things that a woman needs is the security of knowing that she has a man who loves her, who is not going to leave her for a skirt or more beautiful legs, when she gets older or when pregnancy and pregnancies have taken away the firmness of your body or your beauty.

A man who made a man's commitment, who gave a word of fidelity and who is going to be with that woman, rain, shine or shine, whatever it is. He says, I'm with you through thick and thin, even if you grow a full beard, but I'm going to love you anyway.

And even if whoever comes that way comes, the most beautiful skirt comes, I am going to love you and I am going to remain firm in my home, and I am going to be a presence there with my children. A provider man.

Brothers, a man whose money does not belong to him but belongs to the home. That is a very important thing, brothers, that the man be a provider man, that his wife feel that she has a judicious man in the use of his money, and that he is a man who looks after the well-being of the home first, before he buys a shirt, he has to ask himself if she and the boys have what they need, before he puts a morsel in his mouth, he must first make sure that their wives and children are well fed. Before making any decision, to buy a car or whatever, first the home. A man who watches over and provides for the needs of his home.

A man who encourages his woman to grow and develop as a human being, who does not prevent her. If that woman wants to study or learn, or improve in her service to the Lord, she gives her space. A man who does not control, who does not abuse his power. A man who does not manipulate. A man who is faithful to his wife. A man who is an educator of the children, who takes time to take the children and sit with them, and talk to them about the Lord, and go out with them. And a man, above all, I would say that he is a priest in the home.

The Lord is tired, brothers, of women who are the spiritual head of the home. Men who say, I am the economic head, I am the one who rules here, but when it comes to spiritual things they are a hundred miles behind their wife.

How many women populate the churches of this nation? 60, 70% of church members are women. Without women the churches would collapse in an instant, brothers. And the churches and society need Christian men, committed men, men who are the first to pray at home, men who are the first to read the word and educate themselves and invest in the Kingdom of God, men who are an example to their children. That when these children reach adulthood they remember that father who prayed, who cried out to the Lord, who fasted, who watched over the interests of the family spiritually, who was a warrior, always at the forefront, the first to stand up for the Kingdom of God, it was that man.

And I also believe, men who are tender with their women. Men who are not harsh with their women. Men who love, who express affection and who cover their women with their tenderness and with their warmth that we do not hurt with our mouths and certainly less with our hands, absolutely with our hands, never, ever. But men we can love. That is what is meant by the husband love his wife as Christ loved the church.

There is a masculine role that a man should play in his home. And young people, I would like all the young people to be here, I know they are taking a class right now, but I want to speak to the young women, I am going to tell the females, the girls and the males, about the importance of preparing themselves to play a role.

In this culture in which all roles are turned upside down and it is not known what is a man and what is a woman, today it is said that not everything is the same. The man has to do the same as the woman and a role has been lost, the definition in the home has been lost, which is why there is so much homosexuality today. First, because there are no men in the homes who teach what a healthy masculinity is. That is the first problem. Our children can't find a wholesome man to identify with. All the studies that are done on homosexuality clearly point out that one of the problems with the homosexual is that it has not been possible to identify well in the masculine, feminine role of the home.

And so it is necessary for our children to see healthy roles of a strong, anointed and also tender man. A tender warrior, worth the contradiction. And we have to teach our young men, we have what a man is, we have to teach him the duties of a man, what is healthy manhood, what is the healthy behavior of a man. We have to let our children smell us and cling to us and we have to hold them and play with them and love them and put them inside us and we get inside them, so that then our advice can be heard.

How are you going to win over your children? It is that, getting inside them, that your personality, your character, can penetrate the barrier of the will and that your son listened to you inside him, not outside but inside him speaking to him about the values of the Kingdom of God. And that your son, without realizing it, almost becomes a projection of your masculinity, because he identifies so much with you that there is no division between you and him. That's what it's like to be a proper parent. That your son sees you treating his mother well, being a benevolent presence in the home, that he sees his mother happy because the husband came home, and that the children are happy because that manly presence, that affirms, that blesses, that strengthens is at home.

When men, brothers, stand up in Christianity, when there are priests in homes and in the community, brothers, people are going to convert by thousands and thousands, and thousands. When there are healthy Christian families and men playing the role they are supposed to play, let us play. That is going to be a terrible revolution in society. But, men, we have to realize that.

I thank the Lord that there is a small movement of active men. We have many active men, and I thank the Lord for that in this church, but it is to say a group of men like we have active women in the women's ministry, that a ministry of men who are standing up is beginning to emerge. .

And I want that to extend to not only having a passion for the Lord, love for the things of the Lord, but also an adoption of the biblical role of a leader who serves those he leads. A leader who serves with the spirit of Jesus Christ, broken men, bleeding men, weakened men in the Lord who can then speak with the power of God's spirit and the authority of the holy spirit in their lives. That is going to be something revolutionary in society.

Men, the Lord is waiting for dedicated men. God wants the time of so many discontented women to pass, so many dissatisfied women in homes. As a pastor I tell you, brothers, there has to be a change and you know what, man? That when you start to win the love of your wife, that instead of weakening you, you know what? Now I look from here and see how the women are moved by what I am saying, there are tears. Do you know why? Because there is pain in women and these words often bring out the repressed pain, femininity, women are hurt in our time.

In the Latino world, I'm going to talk about the Latino world because the same thing happens in other cultures, but I'm going to talk about the Latino world. There is an inconvenience, there is a terrible mismatch in the homes. There is a terrible mismatch in man-woman relationships that is bleeding our culture dry and we must ask the Lord to bring change, to bring repentance to the hearts of men.

And you know what, husband? By humiliating yourself, by abiding by the advice of the word of God, that will not weaken your authority at home, on the contrary, it will win you the love of your wife. Your wife will want to serve you, your wife will even want to obey you, she will abide by your authority.

Why are so many men complaining: my wife doesn't respect me, my wife doesn't listen to me, my wife doesn't do this? Many times, brothers, it is because we have not earned that authority, because we make incorrect decisions, because we are not showing the interests of our marriage, we are not acting in a way that inspires confidence in our wife to submit to and surrender to our decisions. Well then how can we expect them to respect us? We have not earned that respect.

You can be either a dictator or an elected, elected ruler. Many of us are dictators, we have imposed our authority and our women are sometimes forced to wear a carbine, as we say. They are obliged because they have no other choice financially or other things. God doesn't want that.

God wants broken men, humble men. There has to be a change, brothers, and men, I tell you, let's not exploit women. Single men, let us ask the Lord for a spirit of continence. I ask the Lord, that in this church, please, there is no practice that dishonors the Lord. In the name of the Lord I subject every man here to a holy walk before God.

The Lord says that promiscuity, any type of improper sexual practice, should not even be mentioned among us. There is a lot of pornography in the church too, brothers. You have to use that word, it's terrible. There's a lot of men tied to pornography right now, even in the churches. Pastors tied to pornography and man, that's bleeding you dry.

I know that many of us have stumbled upon this on some Internet page, we were not looking for it and we have fallen enslaved to that terrible habit, and I encourage you in the name of the Lord, if it is one of the things you are struggling with, seek help and here is a group that meets at 9am on Saturdays. There are groups on Saturdays, the thing is that you can talk to Samuel Acevedo, with Gregory and ask about it, and if there isn't any right now because this group is already specialized in something, brothers, we're going to form a group. You have to come out of the closet in the positive sense of the word, ok. Amen. Yes sir.

Because that is a problem that is afflicting the church in many ways, it is not only homosexuality, but there is a lot of pornography, there are many addictions of different types. And today, even the woman is battling against these things. And it takes men and women who have the courage to say, 'I need help.' And in this church you will not receive condemnation, I assure you, you will receive acceptance. And if someone condemns you, it does not represent this church, I can tell you that, it does not represent the spirit of this congregation, which is to be a refuge church, a church where the sinner receives help and acceptance in what is restored.

I know that this is a process and sometimes it is long-term, it requires prayer, study, awareness, accountability, that is, giving someone an account, it is a process, it is a strong battle. But, we have to get rid of that because as long as we have that, we are going to have a monster that is going to be sucking our spiritual power and taking away the health in our homes and the positive relationship that we have to have with our wife or with our children.

That kind of thing, brothers, we have to.... Lord, cleanse our church, cleanse us, wash me more and more of my wickedness and cleanse me of my sin, says the word of the Lord, because I recognize my rebellions.

Do you know where the restoration of man and woman begins? When we acknowledge our sin. Many of us are always blaming her, or blaming the pastor, or blaming the church that doesn't do this, that doesn't do that. No, look at yourself, recognize your sin, recognize that you need help, I need help. And so let's begin...

Young men, young husbands, you still have the opportunity to lay a firm foundation in your marriage, to learn what it is to be a kind, loving, responsible husband, a biblical husband, a priest in your home, that your wife feels proud to be by your side, that your wife feels proud to submit to your authority. There is time, establish solid homes. Don't settle for limping homes, limping to death, so many limping homes in churches.

Let's heal our marriages. There is a price to pay, brothers, there is a price to pay. And the woman too.

Brothers, I believe that what God is calling is an obedient church, a church that stops being religiosity, from coming to mass on Sunday to sing choirs and to say a number of things, but not we are subjecting our lives to the commandments and principles of the Kingdom of God.

I don't want to hear anymore, understand what I'm saying, don't talk to me about tongues, don't talk to me about prophecy, don't talk to me about dance even though I believe all that, if you are not holding your life in obedience to the word of the Lord. okay. I believe in all of that, but that is not a substitute for a life of obedience to the Lord. I believe that what God is looking for is that both the man and the woman assume their role to which God has destined them in the home.

Marriage is a system, like the parts of a clock. Each piece requires the other piece to work well. If one part is not working well, the others stop and then the whole watch is damaged.

So, the man is supposed to love his wife, he is a priest, he is a servant, he is a leader, he is a lion that covers the entrance of the home with his anointing and with his love for the Lord and his obedience to the word. The woman recognizes the leadership of the man, cultivates her femininity, covers her husband in prayer. It is a woman who gladly submits to her husband who is anointed, who is receiving the word of the Lord, who is growing in spirit, who is loving her and serving her, and is serving her children, and the woman is her admirer , is his support, is his number 1 fan. And the woman gladly acknowledges that God has given that man a place of authority and leadership in the home. If the woman resists her husband's leadership in her heart, she hurts herself, even sometimes when it is legitimate.

Guess what? We men have put our women in a disadvantaged position in that by resenting our bad behavior we put them in a situation of harm to themselves, because women have been designed to lovingly and willingly submit to the male.

I believe that much of the feminism we see today is due to the weakness of men and the distortions of men, to the resentments that we have generated in women who now speak foolishly outside of the word of God and They are hurting themselves and hurting the children and the home, because we have often put them in that position of resentment and rebellion.

Now, in Christ Jesus God wants a man serving his wife and loving her and a woman respecting her husband and encouraging him and gladly accepting his leadership instead of questioning it. And when there is that harmony in the home, then the children grow healthily, they grow harmoniously and there is peace in the home. And when you multiply that by many such healthy homes in a community, there is blessing in the community. And that's what's missing in our...

Why aren't our kids doing well in schools? Why are there so many young Latinos right now who are failing in their studies? Because at home they are not being given the modeling they need to receive. The problem is not the teachers, the problem is not the church. The problem starts at home. There is a lack of modeling, there is a lack of manliness, of masculinity at home, a healthy masculinity. A balanced masculinity and so that is causing a mismatch in the whole society and it should not be like that between us.

This afternoon the Lord puts a spirit of exhortation in me to call the people of God to order and that applies to me first and then to you, that we examine ourselves. Men, how many beautiful women I see in my church who need a boos, who need to cover her with her manly shadow. How many women of God, women with all their cables well on, without a man to bless them.

And how many men I see out there like aimless ships, also alone, without a partner because they have failed in marriage or have failed in a relationship, or have not submitted to God's authority in their lives and there is a mismatch, an incredible mess, tremendous dissatisfaction in society, because we are not assuming the role that God has called us to assume. We are in disobedience. We are wanting to bribe the Lord with our jumping and our money and our church attendance, but we are rebellious and we are disobedient. And the Lord says, you are not going to deceive me, and I have endured my blessing for that.

God wants us to repent and examine our ways and put them in order, brethren. Oh, may the day come when men humble ourselves and women say, I want to learn what it is to be a woman. And that a movement of adult women rise up to educate other young women.

Guess what? There are many mothers today who are afraid of teaching our daughters to fix something or to cook, because we think not, when they get married that the two of them are going to have to do their own thing, she takes out a bag of garbage and he take out another, but nothing like that.... and this and that, and then men and women are growing up and they are going to get married and they are going to have to reinvent themselves, marriage, something that has taken thousands of years for society, to develop and fine-tune it. And we are not teaching our children how to be a man, how to be a woman, because they have filled our minds with a quantity of rebellious poison from this society that is paying the price for its rebellion with all the imbalances that exist today.

And the older women are not discipling the younger girls, there are no discipling women. That is why I applaud the women's ministry that this year at the women's retreat decided to hold a parallel retreat for young women. And those young women are going to be there in a women's retreat mentally identifying with these older women, filled with the holy spirit, adoring the Lord and they are also going to be receiving the word and anointing of the holy spirit to become healthy and healthy women. We have to do the same with the youngsters too.

Our youngsters, adolescents, are they learning what it is to be a man?, with those pants hanging down their behinds, below, and that vacant look. Brothers, spending 300 dollars on a pair of sneakers that will later be thrown away, is that being a man? Pregnant girls left and right. And girls insecure of their femininity giving themselves to a man at 12, 13, 14 years old so that they can be stamped with his stamp that she is a woman.

What a terrible thing. What an animal thing that is, brothers. When are we going to repent? When are the people of God going to take the lead and say, no, enough, no more? We are a chosen people, we have the word of the Lord, we have the values of the Gospel, things have to be better at home than outside.

The price must be paid, brothers. You have to kick yourself, as we say, and say, no more. We can not. Those are the basic things of the Gospel. We can't keep letting the devil bleed our homes dry. We need men like Christ and women too who know their role. Manly men and feminine women, worth the redundancy. There isn't much of it.

That is what is bleeding homes dry. We don't go far in counseling, Meche and the Vallés brothers and I and those of us who work here, Gregory, in marriage and family counseling. Brothers, what we can do is just a drop of water in a desert. We attend to one or two, but I know there are hundreds among us who are not receiving. It is something purely symbolic what we do. But God's people have to have repentance.

Men, there must be repentance. You have to ask the Lord, heal my masculinity, Father. You have to cry and bellow and say, no more. And set yourself a goal of becoming a man who reflects the humility and meekness and authority of Jesus. That is the perfect balance that I see in Jesus Christ. A masculine man, but also so, so sweet that women felt very comfortable around him. That balance is what men need to cultivate.

And the women, healed women, strong women, women filled with the holy spirit, happy women. If you have, woman, a man who is serving the Lord and who is doing his part and who is seeking God, and who is a good provider and who loves you, look, value him and bless him and encourage him and protect him and pray for him and show him that you appreciate him and appreciate the effort he is putting in.

We are going to make a pact as a church this afternoon that God heals our homes and that God helps us to be men and women subject to the word of God, with homes founded and rooted in the values of the God's word. That each dialogue, that each word, each intervention that is in our homes, be affiliated with some value that there is in the word of the Lord.

How many understand what the spirit is saying to the church this afternoon? I am not here to hit men or women. I am here simply to say the plain word of the Lord. Do not fight with me because what I am saying, I am saying with the full authority of the Holy Spirit, I have no doubt that what I am saying is well calibrated according to the word of the Lord. Don't be offended by me. Hold on to the word of God.

And if you've failed in any way, it's not to get you beaten out of here. That is not the idea. No, go rather with a purpose of, yes, thank you Lord, you hit me hard, but I'm going to learn now and I'm going to grow, and thank you for the opportunity you've given me. Thank you for speaking to me, thank you for reprimanding me, and I receive the gentle scourge of your hand and I promise you that I am going to get better and I am going to set myself a vision, a goal of becoming a balanced man filled with the holy spirit, a man whose my wife and my children can feel proud, or that the day I get married, I promise myself that I will have a vertical, balanced, plumb home, perfectly in accordance with the word of God, totally vertical, that obeys the word of the Lord. that will be my goal.

And as a church we are going to commit ourselves brothers to be different from the world out there. The word says, do not conform to this culture, but rather be transformed by the renewal of your understanding.

Now I want to ask the men for a moment of surrender to the Lord, of conversion. Just as I ask, raise your hand if you receive Christ as Lord and savior, I would like to ask any man, and don't do it out of pressure, please, or anything like that, do it out of conviction; any man who feels convicted by the word that the Lord has given and who wants to reaffirm his vows before God to be a man of God and of the word, a priest in society and at home, or in his future marriage; or who wants to express to the Lord his repentance and intention to redouble his efforts to be the man God wants him to be, to stand up right now. And I want to pray for those men.

Or if you want to go ahead, even better. And we're going to pray and I....and I want to join them too....amen. Glory to God. Amen. Thank you Lord, we love you, God, we bless you. Amen.

And if anyone from up there is too, there is time for them to come down and we are going to take a moment and I am going to pray... I want to pray from down here, because I want to identify myself, because there are things of what I have said that they fall to me too. I am not exempt from all that I have said. We all have a lot to do in this area. We all have a lot to learn and a lot to grow in this area, brothers, so I'm going to pray from here below with my brothers so that the Lord makes a revolution, a revolution in us.

Oh, God longs for a priesthood. God longs for manly men, manly, eh, but also with the spirit of Jesus, with the spirit of Jesus coming out of his pores.

And this afternoon we are going to ask that the Lord heal our masculinity, because, brothers, the world has deformed us, in a sense, although we are responsible, but we are also victims of what we have seen from our parents , our grandparents, what we have seen at work, what the media have told us, what a man is, what the same women have also encouraged us to do with their victim or sensual behavior inviting us and arousing us in undue ways to exploit and abuse them as well.

And because of that, we are hurt and sometimes we did not have good father models, we did not have a father to caress our heads, or to hug us or kiss us or to play with us or to cry in front of us. , to teach us what it is to cry, or to say 'I'm afraid', so that we could also say 'I'm afraid' when we felt afraid, and we didn't have a father that we could hug and kiss and kiss us and we are locked up in our cells unable to communicate with each other, and to have healthy Christian friendship and to be an ordinary man who can laugh and cry and express himself and be a boy sometimes and laugh and admit fragility because we were not taught it's. we were simply taught to be the pimp macho out there walking like a horse with all the mane out and we are hurt and scared and imprisoned inside and it is time to say, no more, I want to be an open man, a man of heart in hand, a man who blesses my wife and who is not afraid to say, no, I am a Christian, I cannot do that because I am a child of God.

So I'm going to ask the Lord to heal us this afternoon, that we ask the Lord for healing, that we ask the Lord for healing.

Brethren, listen to this for a moment, and then we are going to pray.

Yesterday afternoon Mary and I had the privilege of listening to a man from this church that we have known for many years and we were amazed. His father is sick, there is no remedy, his father no longer knows who he is talking to. He has Alzheimer's disease, but... he had a conversation with his father on the phone and he told him many things and one of the things he told him, 'dad, there was a lot of suffering in my house and we were there together, but your You never told me I love you'.

And she struggled on that phone call to get him to say 'I love you,' and the man never told her. And he told him, dad, but why, and he says, because they never taught me.

Men, let's teach our children that we love them.

Amen. Amen. Yes sir. It is time to humble ourselves, brothers, it is time to recognize that we need to be healed. I need healing. Our masculinity needs healing, just as a woman's soul also needs to be healed. And there is no shame in that if you feel the desire to cry right now, cry and ask the Lord on this day that this be the beginning of a new era in your life to become the man that God wants you to be.

God can use those hurts from the past. God can use everything that you did not receive to start a new time in your life, like never before.

So in the name of Jesus we are going to raise our hands to the Lord and say, father, heal us. Heal my masculinity. Heal my manhood, Lord. Heal my wounds from the past. heal the pain Forgive my mistakes. I admit my fears to you, Lord. and I admit my ignorance. I don't know how to start, but with your help I do it.

Forgive me and help me seek forgiveness from those I love too. Help me not to keep hurting and not keep hurting myself. Fill me with the holy spirit and enter your word in the depths of my being to be the man that you want me to be.

Heal me, Lord. On this day I receive your healing and I will walk in your ways and according to the values of your word and I will be a tender man, I will be a kind man, I will be a humble man and I will be a servant man for the glory of your name. In the name of Jesus. Amen, amen.

I want you to give a man a hug. Give someone a hug right now. Give a man a hug. Glory to the name of the Lord. Glory to the name of the Lord. Thank my Lord. Thank my Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank my Lord.

You know, I want to talk to the woman for a little while, too, and I want to ask the women, too, to have their own moment before they leave here. I feel that the woman also needs to receive healing this afternoon. And that we have to ask the Lord for their own healing. And for a liberation that God makes, that heals the woman from all those wounds that you have also received, and from the insecurities that are there in your spirit, the resentments that also exist.

Because there is a lot of resentment in women, a lot of pain, a lot of wounds. Many women have been abused as children, sometimes physically, often emotionally, spiritually. They have received injuries from their wives and they are already cynical, it is the truth and they dare not trust and dare not open up to a man. And you also need healing this afternoon.

And I want to invite those women to come forward here too, come forward well. And if you were ever physically, emotionally, sexually abused or received any kind of disappointment in your life, I also want to pray for healing in you right now. And I want to ask that the Lord, Meche please come this way, come this way or you can just stand where you are if there's not enough room up here. Come close, women, right this way. Push against each other so there is more space. Don't worry, you don't have the problems that we have in that sense, so hit each other well, get close to each other here and we'll pray for you too.

Meche, come up here please. We are going to ask that the Lord bring a spirit of healing right now and that you be touched by the holy spirit and healed. If there is resentment, if there is pain, if there is any disfiguring injury to you, if someone hurt you, if there is a husband who left you or that you had to leave because of your abusive attitude, or if you have been less than upright in your treatment towards you, I want the Lord to bring you healing right now and that you surrender the pain to the Lord, surrender it to the Lord, do not continue with that wound, do not continue with that pain. Don't continue with that wound bleeding you. No, hand it in this afternoon.

Today can be a day of liberation for you. Today can be a healing day for you. Today can be a day when the victim label is ripped from your forehead in the name of Jesus.

I want to encourage you, woman, to take that burden, that load, that bundle that you are carrying with pain, offense, resentment, victimization, that you received and visualize yourself removing it from your back, taking it in both hands and bringing it to the Lord. It will weigh you down I believe that some of you are going to be looking at yourself as if burdened and having difficulty walking because of how heavy that package of offense, wounds, resentment, and damage received is, but you are going to take it to the altar of God, where The Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for you, and you are going to hand it over to the Lord and you are going to leave it there and promise yourself that you are not going to return to your seat with that bundle anymore.

You are going to leave it here on the altar this afternoon. And when you return, you will return restored and healed, and you will say, no more resentment, no more feeling sorry for myself, no more revisiting the past, no more regretting what they did to me. I am a daughter of God. I am filled with the holy spirit. I am healed by the blood of Jesus. I am no longer a victim, I am victorious in Christ Jesus. I am a woman filled with the holy spirit and I have resources for all the healing that I need and I cast my wound, my need this afternoon at the feet of Christ and I feel completely healed and I am not going to regret, I am not going to cry anymore what it was done to me in the past. Now I will walk free in the name of Jesus and I choose to forgive, I choose to forgive and I choose to be free. And I forgive the offender.

And I believe that the Lord will pay me back double for what I have lost. But I am not going to let my wounds deform my behavior any more, in the name of the Lord.

Lord Jesus, Father, like the woman with the issue of blood we approach you knowing that virtue is going to come out of you, Lord, virtue is coming out of you. Like that woman who spent 12 years spending her fortune on other remedies that did not heal her, Lord, on this day Father, we stand before you knowing what virtue will come from you, trusting, acknowledging, acknowledging your power.

And just as that woman left her illness there, at the feet of Christ's mantle, likewise today, Lord, each one of us who has a wound in any area of her being, Lord, we leave them there Lord, and we declare that you are healed.

I ask you, Lord, that you heal the mind, the mind, Lord. Remove, Lord, victim labels from us, Lord. Lord, let us recognize that we are victorious in you, Lord, even if it hurts, Lord, even if it hurts, father, even if it hurts. Even if it hurts, we want to deliver that pain, and we want to make decisions with freedom in you, knowing that we have already received your provision on this day, Lord.

Lord, we reject the labels the world has placed on us. We reject the labels we have put on ourselves. We reject the label of a damaged woman, a troubled woman, a depressed woman, a rejected woman, we reject them in your name of the Lord and we declare that we are your creatures, made in your image and likeness.

Women full of your spirit, women with purpose, women with destiny, Lord. victorious women in you, Lord. Lord, allow that identity, Lord, to permeate our minds and hearts, with all of our being that we still physically feel that it is you who gives us our identity, not the man who rejected us, not the father who did not give us love, not any other person who has not given us what we need at key moments in our lives.

Even so, Lord, we declare that despite all those sorrows, Lord, despite all those buts in our life, Lord, you are the one who gives us identity, Lord and on this day we embrace that identity, Lord as your daughters, Lord.

Like that woman, Lord, we are there at the edge of your mantle, Lord, focused on you alone, Lord, receiving from you what you are going to give us on this day, what you have already given us , Mister. Thanks, Dad. Thank you for your miracle. Thank you for your power on this day, Lord.

Father, let no one leave here, Lord, who has not left their burden here on the altar, Lord.

Father, I ask you to break, Lord, break that impossibility of leaving what we have been carrying for so many years, that we leave it here, Lord. And that we make decisions from now on, based on that new identity that we know, we recognize that we have on this day, Lord.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Father, for your miraculous work on the cross. Thank you because that miracle continues to happen day by day today, Lord. Father, I ask you, Lord, that the daughters, the sons of these women here, Lord, in the name of Jesus that you also heal them, Lord. All of us who through our ignorance have transferred our children, Lord, we also ask, Lord, break that too, Lord, that our daughters be free, Lord, free to make healthy, holy decisions, pleasing to you.

Lord, that our sons, despite the fact that there have been divorces, rejection of men in our lives, our daughters can have healthy marriages, Lord, healthy relationships. May our daughters know how to recognize the man who doesn't suit them and reject him at the moment and establish healthy relationships with healthy men, Lord.

Father, may we as mothers raise healthy children too, Lord. Father, that what you have taught us, what comes from your throne, what is pleasing to you, be what we teach those children, Lord.

Lord, let it be in the home where we form those healthy men and women who are going to form healthy homes and who in turn are going to have healthy children, Lord. Father, I ask that you break the current that has been happening in the world, in the church, Lord, and that a new current of healing be established, Lord, and of health beginning with the homes of all of us here, beginning from the head of this church, Lord, to all the members of this church, Father. Lord, we bless the lives of young people, Lord, the young women who are making decisions at this moment, where they are putting their lives in danger, in danger of falling into sexual temptation, in danger of establishing unhealthy relationships, Father. I ask that you speak to them too, Lord, and that these young women learn to obey you more than anything, Lord.

I ask you, Father, that they do not give up their progeny, Lord, for a plate of lentils, Lord. That they do not give up their progeny but that you value it, Lord, that they abide by it, receive it as a gift from you, Lord.

Father, I pray for the women who are making improper deals, Lord, who are flirting with the man they know is not good for them, Father. I ask you, Lord, that you speak to each one of those women, Lord, and that in your name, Lord, they have the courage to break that relationship at this moment, Father.

Lord, those that do not suit you, those that do not bring glory to you, Lord, even if it hurts us, Father, let there be obedience in your house, Lord, let there be women focused on you, Lord. That they dress decently, Lord, that they want to bring honor and glory to you above all, Lord, that this be the passion of their life, Lord. I ask that this be the youth of this church, women centered on you that reflect the beauty of your spirit, Lord, not physical beauty, but the beauty of your spirit be reflected through everything they do, through your word, your behavior, through your dealings with the opposite sex, Lord.

Father, and let their mothers be the ones to give them the example of that at home, Lord. May that example be the only one seen in every home, Lord, of every woman represented here at this moment, Lord.

Oh Lord, walk through this place, Lord, bringing conviction, Lord, conviction that this is the only truth, Lord, and that is the only thing we have to do Lord, be an example, Lord, be that virtuous and humble woman, Lord. That example of a mother, Lord, teaching and giving that milk to our daughters from the moment they open their eyes for the first time, Lord.

Lord, thank you for what you are doing in our midst, Lord. Thank you that you are bringing holiness and healing to your home first, Lord. And thank you, Lord, because that is going to have an effect in all the places where we move, Lord. Thank you, Father, bless these women on this day, Lord.

Continue your work, Lord, continue your work of renewing the mind, Lord. Continue your work of teaching us how not to conform to this century, Lord, how to reject what is not yours, Lord.

Thank you, Father, thank you for what you have done on this day, Lord. We give honor, glory and honor to you, Lord, and only to you Lord. And we want to reflect your kingdom, Lord, in everything, beginning with ourselves, Lord.

Thank you, Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen. Hallelujah!

Amen. Amen. Amen. Glory to God. Glory to God.

"A man's commitment":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Man, are you acting according to your role?
The speaker discusses healthy relationships between men and women, particularly in the context of marriage and family. He emphasizes the importance of men embracing their roles as servant leaders in the home, and calls for healing and repentance in the church to create healthy images of masculinity and femininity.

José Ordóñez
Shhhhh, the queen sleeps
A pastor discusses the importance of marriage and family, using the Book of Song of Songs as a guide for understanding relationships between men and women. He emphasizes the need for self-identity, admiration, and solving each others weaknesses in marriage, as well as the importance of mens responsibility and involvement in their households.