Shhhhh, the queen sleeps

José Ordóñez
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The pastor speaks about his experience working with young Latino Christians in the United States and the importance of not belittling their lives. He then introduces the topic of marriage and family, referencing the Book of Song of Songs in the Bible as a guide for understanding the relationship between a man and a woman, including sexual relations. He emphasizes the importance of admiration in a marriage and how it can lead to love, especially for women who define themselves by their physical appearance. Men, on the other hand, are defined by their virtues and abilities. He ends by discussing the importance of a man's identity through his title or profession.

The speaker discusses the importance of defining oneself through virtues and abilities, specifically through working and providing for one's family. He emphasizes the need for both men and women to value and admire each other's contributions. The speaker also shares his personal experience of feeling like a nobody due to being a bad student and having a talent for making trouble. He credits his wife for helping him believe in his dreams and encourages others to embrace their unique talents and perspectives.

The speaker discusses the importance of speaking well of one's spouse and understanding their background and culture. He uses the example of the Shulamite in the Song of Songs, who felt unattractive due to mistreatment from her brothers. The speaker emphasizes the need for husbands to solve their wives' problems and make them feel strong where they are weak. He also stresses the importance of daily effort in marriage and the role of Jesus in transforming one's life.

The importance of making women feel beautiful and valued in their physique is discussed, as it is tied to their confidence and sense of safety. The speaker emphasizes the need for men to tell their daughters and wives that they are beautiful, as many women may have grown up without hearing it. Mocking a woman's body is a violation and can hinder prayers, according to biblical teachings. Wise men understand and work to solve their wife's weaknesses, rather than making them weaker. The importance of loving your wife without limitations is stressed, as husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loves the church.

The speaker discusses the importance of men taking responsibility for providing and solving problems in their relationships with their wives. He argues that women want a man who can take care of them and their family, and that men should strive to be that kind of man. He also criticizes society for undervaluing the role of women in the home and for encouraging women to pursue careers over staying at home with their children. The speaker references a passage from the Bible and uses allegorical language to make his points.

The speaker discusses the importance of men being the priests and covers of their households, as well as honoring and cherishing their wives. He uses the book of Song of Songs as an example, pointing out how Solomon put great effort into making his wife feel beautiful and valued. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fathers being involved in their children's lives and standing up for their wives and children when needed. He also warns against dishonoring parents and the negative consequences it can bring. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is for a man to be the image of Jesus in his household and to bless and cover his family.

I am a pastor of marriages, of families. I dedicate myself to always preaching to the family. I was a youth pastor for 6 years. I know the problem of young people. Here I helped young people in my church for a year, so I also know problems about the kids who come here to the United States, sometimes without speaking the language very well. And I have always had a perception regarding the children of Latinos. There is a phenomenon in the United States and that is that every time American society is less congregational, less and less seek God, the churches in America are emptying, leaving only the buildings.

Think for a moment why you think God allows his children to come. What do you think God is thinking with young Latino Christians who are learning the language, who come to this culture, and who as Christians begin to function as towers, as evangelizers, as different people who bring blessings to this American society? That's why don't belittle the lives of your children.

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