Transfer of securities

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Transferring values is not just about material possessions, but about the spiritual values we transmit every second of our existence. We can strip ourselves of everything, but our spiritual values cannot be taken away. When we sin, we realize how fragile we are spiritually and how much poverty we have. We need to strengthen our spirit through confession of sin and repentance. We need to put ourselves in God's hands and surrender ourselves to Him, learning and incorporating His teachings into our lives. Only then can we be transformed and be an example for others to follow. Let us put the light of Christ on high and transform lives by being a living example.

Whenever we talk about the "transfer of values", our material possessions come to mind, but this time we do not want to refer to these, but to something that touches much deeper than mere properties, something that touches the spirit of being. human.

This act of transferring values does not lead to investing in papers before a notary to express our last will, but to transform our life towards a style that impacts everyone around us, in such a way that when looking at us they can see the face of God. and feel his love through the way we express ourselves and what we express.

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