Invitation to fidelity

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: In these times, many people are not committed to the transcendent unless they can see clear benefits. Everything seems ephemeral and people do not want ties that marginalize them from their selfish desires. The noble soul of man and woman who follow Christ mourns every day because true convictions and values seem to have died. However, we can collaborate with God to transform the world. Without God at the center of all things, man's recipes to improve the world remain lacking.

Faith, fidelity, is lacking. If we faint as Christians before the advance of the secularization of society, we fall into a litany with no "à la carte" answers. To make a good contribution, we must also oppose garland theology and verbiage, and embrace faith in terms of loyalty and steadfastness in what we do and who we are.

If we want revival, we must first enliven our faith. It is impossible to give life acting as if we were dead, or worse, giving the appearance of living with a vocation towards the neighbor in need of God and on the other hand make the decision to jump the pond to satisfy personal ambitions and serve God where He does not need us. Faithfulness to God is life. Perseverance produces a genuine spiritual sense of service to God, where He has called us to His glory.

To those who have focused their lives from faith, a reminder: Be faithful, remain, root yourself in your consistencies until death! God has not lost control!

These are difficult times, sterile from the side of true commitment. Few commit to the transcendent if there is no evidence that commitment is accompanied by success, flamboyance, or money. Life has become an existential pilgrimage where there are no lasting motivations unless the benefits are clearly seen.

Since nothing is durable, but ephemeral, everything has an expiration date. What is today will no longer be tomorrow and therefore it is not necessary to be faithful. Love of neighbor seems ethereal, insoluble, for convenience or for the occasion. People do not want ties that marginalize them from their selfish desires and the noble soul of man and woman who from the side of humility follow Christ mourns every day because true convictions and values seem to have definitely died. Can we change the world? Not! However, we can collaborate with God to transform it. God has a Plan A to do it and there is no Plan B. Without God at the center of all things, man's recipes to improve the world remain very low in salt and lacking in good ingredients.

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