There is still time to turn to God

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: The National Day of Prayer's theme is "One Nation Under God," a phrase from the pledge to the American flag. However, the nation has turned its back on God, leading to spiritual contamination. The future of the nation depends on the people of God humbling themselves and praying, seeking God's face and turning from their wicked ways. Effective prayer is expressing God's heart through our words, and it is the channel through which God's will is brought to earth. By faith, we believe we are still "One Nation Under God" and that God is still in control. We must prioritize praying for the nation and understand that God has positioned us to intercede in times of need. We pray for forgiveness, repentance, and for the nation to return to divine principles. We also pray for each area of cultural influence to be penetrated by the Holy Spirit and for the nation to become "One Nation Under God" with freedom and justice for all.

"'A Nation Under God" is the theme chosen this year for the National Day of Prayer that is celebrated today; but it is also a beautiful phrase which is part of the pledge to the flag of the United States of America. This oath is recited by students in school classrooms, at the start of sporting events, and at other civic activities. However, when we frame this phrase "One Nation Under God" and try to adjust it to the events that occur daily in our environment, we could say that it does not fit within the circumstances that permeate the environment of this nation. It seems that this nation has stepped out from under God's covering and turned its back on him. This action has led us to have a sick land plagued with all kinds of spiritual contamination that affects not only the present generation, but is also seen to harm future generations.

The good news is that there is still time to turn to God. The Bible says in 1 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then, I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land. " The future of the nation depends on the people of God, it depends on those who have known that without God we can do nothing. It remains for us to bend our knees and prostrate our hearts in humiliation before God, so that he may heal our land. Only prayer breaks spiritual chains that keep peoples in subjection. Time to change the world with your knees bent. Effective prayer is when God's heart is expressed through our words. Powerful prayer is not a matter of knowing the right words, it is having the heart as a deposit of God; open to hearing every murmur and echoing it in our prayers. What is the will of God? May we return to Him in humiliation, He will forgive our sins, and He will heal our land (nation). Our prayer activates the will of God and releases the power of God to fulfill His purpose in the peoples. Prayer is the channel through which God's will is brought to earth. John Wesley said, "God will do nothing apart from prayer."

By faith we believe that we are still “One Nation Under God”, understanding that by faith we live and not by sight. Believing that God is still in control. Declaring that God's people rise up like never before, taking their position and standing in the gap for the nation. Today is a good day to reflect on where our priorities are when praying. We must understand that for an hour like this we have reached this place. God has mobilized the Hispanic / Latino people to make a difference where they live. Just like Queen Esther, God allowed her to come from a far place to a strange land to fulfill her purposes, so God has positioned us to intercede in time of need. We are in times of great spiritual need and only our prayer of repentance, humiliation and search for God, can change circumstances.

Let us pray: God and our Father, we come before you in humiliation to ask your forgiveness for our sins; and for having turned our backs on you and having left your cover. We want to go back to being the nation that was founded on divine principles. We declare that the hearts of the leaders of the nation are in your hands and you guide them to turn to you. We pray for each area of cultural influence so that your Holy Spirit penetrates and brings the radical changes we need in the government, the family, the media, the educational system, companies, etc ... We decree and declare that this nation becomes to you and what we publicly declare "One Nation Under God" will come true, with freedom and justice for all. In the Name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

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