Threats against children and life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker wants to connect the Christmas message with the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. He believes that people need a Word of interpretation, teaching, strength, and encouragement in the face of this tragedy. The Christmas story emphasizes the infantile character of Jesus Christ, and God took time to develop this aspect because there is a message in childhood that has significance for humanity through the ages. The speaker wants to talk about celebrating life in all its forms and how the Church of Christ must love and respect life. He emphasizes that the Bible celebrates children and the family, and children are an inheritance from the Lord, something worthy of praise and esteem.

The Bible celebrates children and families as a blessing, but there is also a parallel culture that despises and kills child life. The Christmas story tells of Herod ordering the killing of children under the age of two, and Pharaoh wanting to kill all Jewish children before they were born. These leaders felt threatened in their political privileges and power, and wanted to suppress any potential threats. The devil is behind this culture of death and genocide, and the only way to combat it is through the power of Jesus Christ. The Church must not allow the devil to silence us from proclaiming the name of Jesus and the truth of salvation.

The culture of death in our time sees life as expendable and negotiable, and uses science to manipulate and examine life according to convenience and circumstances. Man has obtained great control over human genetics and believes he has the power to create his own story with the grammar of life. The devil starts with something small and gradually widens and spreads his culture of death until it becomes a massacre or genocide. The culture of death is seen in abortion on demand, legal physician-assisted suicide, the increasing contempt of the elderly, and the sexual abuse of children. The recent massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut is just another example of this culture of death.

The culture of death is becoming more powerful and evident in our time, as seen in the increasing massacres of children. This culture is characterized by putting the interests of adults before those of children and sacrificing children for the sake of the adults' comfort and desires. The satanic spirit behind this culture rejoices in the destruction and sacrifice of infant life, which is why child sacrifice has been a distinctive element in pagan and primitive demon-dominated cultures. Wherever the spirit of death is given freedom, there is destruction of life. The solution is to reject this culture of death, live as people of light and truth, and put the interests of children first. Men should make their homes a favorable place for having children and love their wives and children.

The speaker talks about the importance of creating a culture of life and denouncing the culture of death that is prevalent in society. He emphasizes the need to value children and dedicate time and resources to them, as they are under war and persecution in our time. He also encourages couples to see children as a blessing and not an obstacle, and to not practice abortion but oppose it in all its manifestations. He urges Christians to stop consuming filth and pornography, and to not listen to music that glorifies violence, rape, and disrespect for authority. The speaker emphasizes that our homes and Church should be a safe place for children and families, and we should not allow the devil to continue doing his thing. He ends by inviting everyone to take refuge in Christ and seek healing from Him for all addictions and sins.

The Church should be a culture of life and oppose abortion. Families should spend time together and create a home of harmony, blessing, and peace where the Word of the Lord abounds. Men should sacrifice their appetites for their homes and stay with their families. Let's make our homes places of Christian spiritual values and banish music, videos, images, and deals that are not from God. The Church needs to be a prophetic people that speaks the Truth of God and applies it to themselves. Let's be people of love and mercy, and have mercy on this earth and world.

I want to connect the Christmas message that is already in us through this time that we are living with this tragedy that happened in Newtown - Connecticut. I know that the people of God need a Word of interpretation, a Word of teaching, a Word of strength and encouragement in the face of this tragedy. I tell you the truth I do not feel intimidated or frightened, I feel a terrible pain in my heart but the devil is defeated brother, the devil is under the feet of Jesus Christ.

He does this because he knows his time is short, you know. When the enemy is cornered he always does that, always then he takes off his mask and shows his dirty and contaminated nails, and his teeth that he always tries to keep hidden under decent and very rational clothing but when he is desperate he does these things like this I think this is an indication of defeat rather than victory for him, you know? And I hope that from this tragedy a desire will be born in many people to truly seek God and realize where we are and where we have arrived, and that is what I want to talk about.

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