They will never perish

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: We believe in the eternal security of the saints because they belong to Christ, who will never lose them. He gives them eternal life, which means it cannot be extinguished. The Lord declares that believers will never perish and they are in His hand, which even the demon from hell cannot snatch away. We should cast off fear and rest peacefully in the palm of the Redeemer's hand. This is from The Bank of Faith Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon.

We believe in the eternal security of the saints. First, because they belong to Christ, and He will never lose the sheep that He has bought with His blood, and that He has received from His Father.

Next, because He gives you eternal life, and if it's eternal, well, then it's eternal, and there can't be a term for that life, unless there can be a term for hell, and for heaven, and for God. . If spiritual life could be extinguished, then it would manifestly not be eternal life, but temporal life. But the Lord speaks of eternal life, and that effectively eliminates the possibility of an end.

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