The value of personal sacrifice for the Kingdom

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: There are many men and women who sacrifice their comfort and safety to spread the message of salvation to other places and nations. Those who obey the call to make sacrifices for the Kingdom are denying themselves and offering the best of their lives to the Lord. Such obedience is rewarded by God, and those who serve Him without expecting applause or recognition will be blessed. We should recognize and bless those who work humbly in our Christian communities and serve the Lord faithfully. The Lord doesn't want sacrifices that don't come from obedience to His Word and faithfulness of heart. When roll is called in heaven, those who have served the Lord faithfully will respond happily when they hear their name.

I feel a deep admiration for the children of God who have a missionary heart and are obedient to the voice of God. How many men and women of God rise up every day to carry the message of salvation to other places and nations! It would be impossible to make a list of so many brothers and sisters who, leaving their comforts, embark on the adventure of evangelization in obedience to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. And others, who without leaving their places of origin, simply take their bread to share it with others.

Personal sacrifice in favor of the Kingdom - when done in obedience - is a way of denying oneself, it is offering the best of life to the Lord without expecting anything, or even at the expense of losing it. And do it with humility, without fuss, as if incognito, as it should be done for the Lord, who sees and knows everything. There are no precise statistics to recognize and honor them, but the Lord does know. As an old hymn says, when there - in heaven - roll is called, they will be able to happily respond to his name.

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