The relationship between Jesus and his mother

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from the wedding at Cana in the Gospel according to Saint John reveals a healthy relationship between Jesus and his mother, Mary. Jesus behaves like a wise son, while Mary expresses wise motherhood. Lessons that can be learned from this passage include the importance of maintaining intentional relationships with parents and sharing social experiences with them. It also highlights the need for balance in family relationships, including a balance between independence and intimacy, subjection and personal authority, and exercising privileges as a parent while respecting barriers and limitations. The proper family relationship is a delicate dance that requires a continuous search for balance.

The relationship between parents and children, like marriage, is a delicate dance that requires balance and negotiation. Both parents and children need to understand their respective authorities and responsibilities, and there should be a healthy tension between the two. Children need to individuate themselves and become independent, but parents should also respect their children's adulthood and authority. Jesus and his mother exemplify a constructive and loving tension between parent and child, with Jesus reflecting a healthy maturity and self-confidence. It is important to honor and please parents and authorities even when there is disagreement. The concept of authority and honoring authorities has been lost in modern times.

The modern generation has lost the concept of authority and honoring authorities. Jesus sets an example by honoring his mother, even though he does not fully agree with her. Parents must learn to listen to their children and be humble on those occasions when they display skills and knowledge that we do not have. The relationship between Jesus and Mary shows a balance of independence and intimacy, where each has their own space but also cooperates in a common cause. Healthy families need to respect boundaries and barriers, and honor each other, which brings blessings for everyone. When a son honors his mother, there is blessing and prosperity in life. The story of the wedding at Cana shows that healthy relationships and communication bring progress for the kingdom and for personal lives. We must bless and affirm our children, and allow them to find their destiny and personality. May the Lord help us all to have healthy families and be wise parents.

I want to invite you to look with me for a well-known passage in the Gospel according to Saint John, in Chapter 2, verses from 1 to 11, the famous passage from the wedding at Cana.

It says there, “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding, and when the wine was lacking the Jesus' mother said to her, 'They have no wine', Jesus said to her, 'what do you have with me, woman, my hour has not yet come?'. His mother told those who were serving, 'do whatever I tell you.' And there were six stone jars for water according to the purification rite of the Jews, each of which could hold two or three jugs. Jesus told them, 'Fill these jars with water,' and they filled them to the top. Then he told them 'take it out now and take it to the steward'. And they took it away. When the steward tasted the water made wine, without knowing where it came from, although the servants who had drawn the water knew, he called the husband and said to him, 'every man first serves the good wine, and when they have drunk a lot, then the inferior, but you have reserved the good wine until now'. This beginning of signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him.

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